Comparison: {{ .name }}

```r}}-comparison-setup} .base <- .models[[1]] .comparisons <- .models[-1] .n <- length(.comparisons)

The fit of `r ifelse(.n == 2, paste(.n, " models were "), paste(.n, " model was "))` compared to the **`r .base$name`** reference model. 
Raw fit statistics for `r .base$name` are presented in the first row, subsequent rows represent comparisons between `r .base$name` and models indicated in the *comparison* column. Model comparisons are made by subtracting the fit of the comparison model from the fit of `r .base$name`.

```r}-comparison-table, results='asis'}
OpenMx::mxCompare(.base, .comparisons)[-1] %>%
  kable(digits = 2) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "condensed")

aaronwolen/mxtx documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:22 p.m.