{{ .label }} - Expected Data Summary

This model was fit on r format(.model@output$timestamp, "%x at %I:%M%P") using OpenMx vr .model@output$mxVersion.

Free Parameter Estimates

This table shows a list of all the free parameters with their name, matrix element locators, parameter estimate and standard error, as well as lower and upper bounds if those were assigned. Note, NA is given for the name of elements that were not assigned a label. The columns row and col display the variables at the tail of the paths and the variables at the head of the paths, respectively.

```r}-params-table, results='asis'} .model_summary <- summary(.model) kable(.model_summary$parameters) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "condensed")

## Goodness of Fit Statistics

This tables includes the number of observed statistics, the number of estimated parameters, the degrees of freedom, minus twice the log-likelihood of the data, the number of observations, the chi-square and associated p-value and several information criteria.

.model_summary %>% 
  table_gof() %>%
  kable() %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "condensed")

aaronwolen/mxtx documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:22 p.m.