# #' Plotting
# #'
# #' @param data The dataframe that stores your data. Must contain starting x,y locations and ending x,y locations
# #' @param dataType indicator for what type of data the eventData. Currently, options include "opta" (default) and "statsbomb"
# #' @param x_col name of the column that stores the starting x location
# #' @param y_col name of the column that stores the starting y location
# #' @param xend_col name of the column that stores the ending x location
# #' @param yend_col name of the column that stores the ending x location
# #' @return returns a ggplot2 object
# #'
# #' @importFrom magrittr %>%
# #' @import dplyr
# #' @import ggplot2
# #' @import ggsoccer
# #' @import mclust
# #' @import ggforce
# #' @import shadowtext
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples endResult = calculate_threat(test, dataType = "statsbomb", x_col = "location.x",
# #' y_col = "location.y", xend_col = "pass.end_location.x",
# #' yend_col = "pass.end_location.y")
# library(tidyverse)
# library(dplyr)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(mclust)
# library(ggforce)
# library(shadowtext)
# library(ggrepel)
# library(worldfootballR)
# library(viridis)
# plot_comet <- function(data, start_year="", end_year="",
# league=""){
# # Break out team and opponent tables
# raw_team <- data %>%
# filter(Team_or_Opponent=="team")
# raw_opponent <- data %>%
# filter(Team_or_Opponent=="opponent")
# # Join team and opponent tables
# fbref <- left_join(raw_team,raw_opponent,by=c("Squad","Season_End_Year"))
# # Just the stuff we care about
# scatter_x = "npxG_Per"
# scatter_y = "npxG_Per"
# scatterXFilter = paste(scatter_x, "x", sep=".")
# scatterYFilter = paste(scatter_y, "y", sep=".")
# fbref = fbref %>% select(Squad,Season=Season_End_Year,Comp=Comp.x,xPlot=scatterXFilter,yPlot=scatterYFilter)
# ### Set some variables
# # Pick number of clusters to highlight
# #league = "La Liga"
# n_clusters <- 5
# ### Join data
# startYearFilterX = paste("xPlot", start_year, sep="_")
# startYearFilterY = paste("yPlot", start_year, sep="_")
# endYearFilterX = paste("xPlot", end_year, sep="_")
# endYearFilterY = paste("yPlot", end_year, sep="_")
# endYearDiff = paste("diff", end_year, sep="_")
# startYearDiff = paste("diff", start_year, sep="_")
# pivoted <-
# fbref %>%
# filter(Comp==league) %>%
# select(Squad,Season,Comp,xPlot,yPlot) %>%
# pivot_wider(names_from=Season, values_from=c(xPlot,yPlot))
# for(i in 1:length(names(pivoted))){
# print(names(pivoted)[i])
# if(names(pivoted)[i] == startYearFilterX){
# names(pivoted)[i] = "startYearFilterX"
# }
# if(names(pivoted)[i] == startYearFilterY){
# names(pivoted)[i] = "startYearFilterY"
# }
# if(names(pivoted)[i] == endYearFilterX){
# names(pivoted)[i] = "endYearFilterX"
# }
# if(names(pivoted)[i] == endYearFilterY){
# names(pivoted)[i] = "endYearFilterY"
# }
# }
# pivoted = pivoted %>%
# mutate(endYearDiff=endYearFilterX-endYearFilterY,
# startYearDiff=startYearFilterX-startYearFilterY,
# diff_change=endYearDiff-startYearDiff) %>%
# filter(!is.na(endYearDiff))
# ### Use GMM to define number of clusters selected up top
# clusters <- Mclust(pivoted %>%
# select(endYearFilterX,endYearFilterY,endYearDiff),
# G=n_clusters)
# ### Add clusters to data and we're ready to plot
# plot_data <- bind_cols(pivoted,as.data.frame(clusters$classification)) %>%
# mutate(cluster=as.character(paste0("cluster_",`clusters$classification`)))
# plot_data$Squad = as.factor(plot_data$Squad)
# c1 = plot_data %>% filter(`clusters$classification` == 1)
# c2 = plot_data %>% filter(`clusters$classification` == 2)
# c3 = plot_data %>% filter(`clusters$classification` == 3)
# c4 = plot_data %>% filter(`clusters$classification` == 4)
# c5 = plot_data %>% filter(`clusters$classification` == 5)
# ### Draw plot
# plot <- plot_data %>%
# ggplot(aes(y=endYearFilterY,x=endYearFilterX))+
# # Colored ellipses around each cluster
# geom_mark_ellipse(aes(fill=cluster),color=NA)+
# # Dotted lines indicating league average xG
# geom_vline(xintercept=mean(plot_data$endYearFilterX),color="#4b4e43",linetype="dotted")+
# geom_hline(yintercept=mean(plot_data$endYearFilterY),color="#4b4e43",linetype="dotted")+
# # Comet tail
# geom_link(
# aes(y=startYearFilterY,x=startYearFilterX,
# yend=endYearFilterY, xend=endYearFilterX,
# alpha=stat(index),size=stat(index)))+
# # Outline circle in team color
# geom_point(
# aes(size=14, color=cluster, fill=cluster), shape=21, colour="black")+
# # This sets team colors
# scale_color_identity() +
# # Define axes
# scale_y_reverse(breaks=seq(0.5, 3.5, by=0.5))+
# scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0.5, 3.5, by=0.5))+
# #Labels
# labs(title=paste0("How are ",league ," clubs compared to last season?"),
# subtitle="Comet tails lead from each team's location in ", start_year, "to its labeled point in ", end_year, ".",
# y= "Non-Penalty Expected Goals Against",
# x= "Non-Penalty Expected Goals For",
# caption="@abhiamishra | Data: StatsBomb via FBref | Inspired by: @johnspacemuller ")+
# geom_label_repel(aes(label = Squad), force_pull = 0.3, force=2)+
# # Theme aesthetics
# theme(plot.title=element_text(face = "bold", margin=margin(0,0,10,0),size=26),
# plot.subtitle = element_text(margin=margin(0,0,10,0), size=16),
# text = element_text(color="#4b4e43", margin=margin(0,0,0,0), size=14),
# plot.caption = element_text(color="#4b4e43", margin=margin(10,0,0,0), size=10),
# legend.position = "none",
# legend.direction = "horizontal",
# legend.margin = margin(0,0,0,0),
# legend.title = element_text(margin=margin(0,0,10,0), size=14),
# legend.text = element_blank(),
# legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fffbef", color="#fffbef"),
# strip.text = element_text(color="#4b4e43", size=14, margin=margin(10,0,3,0)),
# strip.background = element_blank(),
# axis.title.x = element_text(color="#4b4e43", size=18, margin=margin(10,0,0,0)),
# axis.title.y = element_text(color="#4b4e43", size=18, margin=margin(0,10,0,0)),
# axis.text.x = element_text(color="#4b4e43", margin=margin(10,0,5,0), size=14, angle=45, hjust=1),
# axis.text.y = element_text(color="#4b4e43", margin=margin(0,5,0,0), size=14),
# panel.spacing = unit(0.1,'in'),
# panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fffbef", color="#fffbef"),
# plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fffbef", color="#fffbef"),
# panel.border = element_rect(colour = "#4b4e43", fill=NA, size=0.5),
# plot.margin = margin(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,"in"))
# plot
# }
# plot = plot_comet(start_year = 2021, end_year = 2022,
# league = "Premier League")
# plot
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