  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


CRAN status Lifecycle: experimental

Nepalwildlife package brings together a list of wild animals and plants found in Nepal. It contains 1 tibble named nepal_wildlife.


You can install the released version of Nepalwildlife from Github with:

``` {r eval = FALSE} install.packages("devtools") devtools::install("abhinabkadel/Nepalwildlife")

## Example

How many species fall under different taxonomic groups in Nepal? Let's solve it using the dataset:


nepal_wildlife %>% 
  count (`Taxonomic Group`)

Steps used to Build the package:

Initial setup:

  1. Load devtools using library(devtools)
  2. Use create_package(pathname/Nepalwildlife). This created a folder named Nepalwildlife with skeleton for the package contents such as DESCRIPTION and an R project file.
  3. In the new Rstudio session that is opened, load usethis package using library(usethis)
  4. Set up git repo using use_git(). Perform initial commit and restart RStudio to activate the Git pane.

Place the dataset:

  1. Create a directory for raw data using use_data_raw()
  2. Add the dataset downloaded from the Map of Life in .csv form into the newly created data-raw folder.
  3. Add a R script titled nepal_wildlife.R in the folder, which converts the csv to a tibble in the .R file.
    • Include usethis::use_data() at the bottom of this R script to create a .rda data object in the data folder
  4. Check to data folder in the root directory to see if nepal_wildlife.rda object exists.

Create documentation:

  1. Create a new R script called nepal_wildlife.R in the R folder in the root directory.
  2. Create roxygen style documentation in it, ending with the line "nepal_wildlife"
    • There is not need to use @export tag because I am not creating any function and it was advised in class not to do so.
  3. Run document()

Tests for package:

  1. use_testthat() to create a tests folder in the root directory
  2. use_test("nepal_wildlife") creates an R file with my tests in it.
  3. Write test codes using expect_ statements to check if:
    • the variable names of the dataset are as expected.
    • dataset is stored as a tibble
    • the the dataset has expected number of observations.
  4. Check if tests pass using test()

Update DESCRIPTION file:

  1. Open DESCRIPTION file in a code editor
  2. Edit the Title, Authors and Description fields as necessary.
  3. Add license info using usethis::use_mit_license("Abhinab Kadel")
  4. Add dependencies using use_package(). The following packages are listed under the @import option:
    • Package tests specified above use dplyr and tibble packages.
    • Vignette uses stringr and ggplot2

Add README and vignette:

  1. Create readme using use_readme_rmd( ) and build it using build_readme( ).
  2. Create vignette using use_vignette("nepal_wildlife") and build it using build_vignette().

Install package:

Use devtools::install()

Linking local repository to a remote repository

  1. Create a remote repository on Github called Nepalwildlife
  2. Push package contents from local repo to remote repo using the instructions provided in Github.

For optional tasks:

  1. Run usethis::use_code_of_conduct() to create a code of conduct text. Then, paste it to the README file (see below)
  2. Create a file using use_news_md()
  3. Run usethis::use_version() and select minor increment to set the package version to 0.1.0
    • This adds a new heading in the file with the package name and version nr.
  4. Update information to the file.
  5. Build the website:
    • Activate pkgdown using usethis::use_pkgdown()
    • Build website using pkgdown::build_site()
    • Push the contents of root/docs folder to the remote repository
    • Activate Github Pages through repository settings and select master/docs as website source.
    • Website can be found here

Rerun install() to install the package with the necessary changes.

Note: In between these steps, I performed check() statements to see if there were any errors.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the Nepalwildlife project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

abhinabkadel/Nepalwildlife documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 6:40 p.m.