Man pages for abnormally-distributed/rsfcNet
Analyze resting state functional connectivity networks

bad_tsRead Bad Time Points from Confound Matrix
binarizeBinarize a correlation matrix.
btwn_centrCalculate betweenness centrality for a single graph.
btwn_centr_multCalculate betweenness centrality for a list of graphs.
closeness_centrCalculate closeness centrality for a single graph.
closeness_centr_multCalculate closeness centrality for a list of graphs.
clustcoef_signedCalculate signed clustering coeffecient for a single graph
clustcoef_signed_multCalculate signed clustering coeffecient for a list of graphs.
consensus.utility.funcUtility function for louvain signed algorithm
current_centrFind current-flow closeness centrality for a single graph
current_centr_multFind current-flow closeness centrality for a list of graphs
degree_centrCalculate degree centrality for a single graph.
degree_multCalculate degree centrality for multiple graphs.
delta_energyCalculate the nodewise-deletion change in graph energy for a...
delta_energy_multCalculate the nodewise-deletion change in graph energy for a...
dist_fitFit a vector of variables to the best distribution
eigen_centrCalculate eigenvector centrality for a single graph.
eigen_centr_multCalculate eigenvector centrality for multiple graphs.
fiedler_valueCalculate the fiedler value for a graph
fiedler_value_multCalculate the fiedler value for a list of graphs.
get_average_graphAverage together a list of connectivity matrices
get_cor_matricesObtain correlation matrices for each subject.
get_file_listImports List of Time Series or Confound Files
get_modulesGet the modularity and module partitions of a weighted...
global_clustCalculate the global average clustering coefficient for a...
global_clust_multCalculate the global average clustering coefficient for a...
global_transCalculate the global transitivity of a list of graphs
graph_energyCalculate the graph energy for a single graph
graph_energy_multCalculate the graph energy for a list of graphs
heatmapVisualize a connectivity matrix
import_from_listImports Time Series or Confound Files from the list created...
iterative_louvain_signedReiterative louvain community detection for signed networks
laplace_centrCalculate Laplacian centrality for a single graph.
laplace_centr_multCalculate Laplacian centrality for a list of graphs.
leverage_centrCalculate leverage centrality for a single graph..
leverage_centr_multCalculate leverage centrality for a list of graphs.
local_transCalculate the local transitivity of a list of graphs
mats_as_graphsConvert list of connectivity matrices to igraph objects
modularity_consensusGet the consensus community membership labels
module_connectivityCalculate several module/community based network statistics
neighbor_centrCalculate the average connectivity of each node's neighbors
neighbor_centr_multCalculate neighbor centrality for multiple graphs
save_filesSave a list of files
scrub_matrixUsed in scrub_time_series function.
scrub_time_series"Scrubs" Bad Time Points from Time Series Matrix
soft_threshSoft Thresholding Function for Signed Correlation Networks
strength_distributionGet the degree or strength distribution for a graph
strength_multipleCalculate signed strength statistics on a multiple graphs.
strength_signedCalculate signed strength statistics on a single graph.
threshold_matrixThreshold a correlation matrix
transform_matrixTransform a correlation matrix into cohen's d or z-scores and...
vitalityFind the closeness vitality for a single graph.
vitality_multFind the closeness vitality for a multiple graphs.
write_brainNetCreate Node and Edge Files for Brain Net Viewer
write_gephiCreate Gephi File from graph object
abnormally-distributed/rsfcNet documentation built on March 8, 2020, 5:32 p.m.