Man pages for abossenbroek/GeneralTree
General Tree Data Structure

addChildAdd a child at a point in the tree.
addSiblingAdd a sibling to the current node.
addSiblingNodeAdd a node to the list of siblings of the current node. a GeneralTree to a data frame.
as.GeneralTreeConvert an object to a GeneralTree. a data frame to a GeneralTree.
as.GeneralTree.expressionConvert a R parsed expression to a GeneralTree.
branch_depthGet the depth of a branch.
branchToListConvert a branch to a list.
dataWorkerReturn the data associated with a node.
deep_cloneDeep clone a General tree
deep_clone.GeneralTreeDeep clone a General Tree.
deleteDelete all a node and all nodes below that node.
deleteIdDelete a node with a given id.
equals-.GeneralTreeDeep clone a General Tree.
GeneralTreeA tree that can have multiple childeren per parent.
generate_grVizCreate a DiagrammeR graph that represents the tree.
getChildDataGet the data of the child nodes below the current node.
getChildIdGet the ids of the child nodes below the current node.
getChildNodesGet all the child nodes below the current node.
getIterValFunction heavily inspired by iterators package.
getIterVal.GeneralTreeIterFunction heavily inspired by iterators package.
have_childTell whether the current node has childeren.
have_parentReturns true when the node has a parent.
have_private_siblingsTell whether the current node has private siblings.
have_siblingsTell whether the current node has siblings.
idReturn the id of the current node.
initializeInitialize a General Tree object.
isDiscoveredInforms whether the node has the discovered bit set.
is_last_siblingTell whether the current node is the last sibling.
is_rootTell whether the passed node is the root of the tree.
isRootDiscoveredReturns whether the node has the is_root_discovered bit set.
isSingletonTreeInforms whether the tree is a singleton tree.
iteratorImplThe implementation of the GeneralTree method iterator.
iter.GeneralTreeInternal function heavily inspired by iterators package.
left_childReturn the left child of the node.
nextElem.GeneralTreeInternal function heavily inspired by iterators package.
nextElem.generaltreeiterInternal function heavily inspired by iterators package.
nextElemWorkerImplThe implementation of the GeneralTree method nextElem.
nodeInfoToStringConvert a node to string.
parentGet the parent of a node.
plot.GeneralTreePlot a GeneralTree object.
print.GeneralTreePrint a GeneralTree object.
resetDiscoveredThe implementation of the GeneralTree method iterator.
resetDiscoveredOnBranchReset the discover bit of all the nodes on the branch to...
rootReturn the root of the node.
searchDataSearch for an id in starting at a point in the tree and...
searchNodeSearch for an id in starting at a point in the tree and...
setDiscoveredSet the discovered bit to a certain state.
set-.GeneralTreeDeep clone a General Tree.
setRootDiscoveredSet the root discovered bit to a certain state.
siblingsReturn the private siblings of the node.
toStringConvert a branch to a string.
treeDepthGet the depth of a tree.
abossenbroek/GeneralTree documentation built on May 10, 2019, 4:14 a.m.