sec_filer: SEC filer

sec_filerR Documentation

SEC filer


This is function imports data for a specified SEC filing entity. An SEC filing entity can be a person, public company or private filer. This function requires that the entity has a Central Index Key [CIK].


  entity_names = NULL,
  tickers = NULL,
  ciks = NULL,
  tables = NULL,
  nest_data = FALSE,
  parse_all_filing_url_data = FALSE,
  parse_xbrl = FALSE,
  parse_subsidiaries = FALSE,
  parse_13F = FALSE,
  parse_asset_files = FALSE,
  parse_small_offerings = FALSE,
  parse_complete_text_filings = FALSE,
  parse_form_d = FALSE,
  parse_form_3_4s = FALSE,
  assign_to_environment = TRUE,
  return_message = TRUE



vector names to search


character vector of ticker symbols to search


numeric vector of CIKs


tables to include if they exist

NULL, General, CIK Filings, Filings, Private Offerings, Related Parties, Traders, C Level, MDA, Owners, Insider Trades, Trades NULL: selects all tables

  • General: general information about the filer

  • CIK Filings: summarised filings for a CIK

  • Filings: summarised filings for an entity, slightly different than CIK Filings

  • Private Offerings: parses any private offerings

  • Related Parties: parses any related parties [people]

  • Traders: parses major traders

  • C Level: parses information about executives

  • MDA: parses text from company 10-K Management Discussion and Analysis [MDA] section

  • Owners: parses information about major owners

  • Insider Trades: parses insider trade information

  • Trades: parses all trade information


return a nested data frame TRUE, FALSE


TRUE parses every SEC fling link


TRUE parse XBRL for public companies, data starts in 2009


TRUE parse all filer subsidiaries (default)


TRUE parse 13F's for institutional managers


TRUE parses ABS XML for ABS Asset Data filing entities (default)


TRUE parses Regulation CrowdFunding Form 1-A data if any exists for a filer (default)


true assigns individual data frames to your environment


TRUE return a message after data import


The function acquires information for the specified tables and will auto parse forms if the filer has them and the user activates these parameters.


where nest_data is TRUE a nested tibble by asset, where nest_data is FALSE a tibble

See Also

Other SEC: dictionary_sec_filing_codes(), dictionary_sec_form_codes(), dictionary_sic_codes(), edgar_filing_streams(), mmf_owned_debt_securities(), recent_insider_trades(), rf_leis(), rf_sec_13F_companies(), sec_bankruptcies(), sec_broker_dealers(), sec_ciks(), sec_closed_end_funds(), sec_cusips(), sec_failed_to_deliver_securities(), sec_filing_entities(), sec_foia_requests(), sec_investment_companies(), sec_money_market_funds(), sec_municipal_advisors(), sec_securities_filing_counts(), sec_securities_metrics_by_exchange(), sec_xbrl_periods(), securities_offerings(), us_public_companies()

Other Rank and Filed: mmf_owned_debt_securities(), recent_insider_trades(), rf_leis(), rf_sec_13F_companies(), sec_filing_entities(), securities_offerings(), us_public_companies()

Other entity search: adv_managers_current_period_summary(), adv_managers_filings(), adv_managers_metadata(), adv_managers_periods_summaries(), finra_entities(), nareit_entities(), reit_funds(), rf_leis(), rf_sec_13F_companies(), sec_bankruptcies(), sec_broker_dealers(), sec_ciks(), sec_closed_end_funds(), sec_cusips(), sec_filing_entities(), sec_investment_companies(), sec_money_market_funds(), sec_municipal_advisors(), sec_xbrl_periods(), securities_offerings(), us_public_companies(), ycombinator_alumni()

Other fund search: sec_investment_companies()


## Not run: 
sec_filer(entity_names = 'HLT Holdco', tickers = c('FB'),
nest_data = TRUE, parse_subsidiaries = TRUE, parse_all_filing_url_data = TRUE,
parse_13F = TRUE, assign_to_environment = TRUE,
return_message = TRUE)

## Small Asset Filer Example

## ABS Example

#XBRL Example

## End(Not run)

abresler/fundManageR documentation built on April 1, 2024, 5:46 p.m.