
nazihuntR : Tools to explore ZAƁOGA SS KL AUSCHWITZ data-store which contains information about Nazis who served at Auschwitz


In January 2017 the Krakow Rememberance Institute published documents about the nearly 9,000 Nazi's who worked at Auschwitz concentration camp. This package builds an API wrapper around this data. In addition, the package utilizes Ryan Hafen's incredible trelliscopeJS package to allow for interactive exploration of the data.

The packages allows you scrape the data real-time using the get_nazis function, this can take up to an hour depending on your internet speed. As an alternative the import_nazis function provides real-time access to the data as of February 1st, 2017.

The package also provides links to documents, typically in German or Polish, for any Nazi's that have public records.

Package functions

The following functions are implemented:


devtools::install_github("hafen/trelliscopejs") # required for interactive analysis


get_nazis(parse_bios = TRUE, tidy_columns = FALSE, return_message = TRUE) ## scrapes
df_all <- 
nazihuntR::import_nazi_data(table_name = 'all') # returns cached table of all nazi data

df_names  <- 
nazihuntR::import_nazi_data(table_name = 'names') # returns cached table of all nazi names

df_items  <- 
nazihuntR::import_nazi_data(table_name = 'items') # returns cached table of all nazi fields with multiple items

nazihuntR::import_nazis(table_name = 'names', visualize_results = TRUE) # provides a trelliscope view

nazihuntR::import_nazis(table_name = 'items') %>% 
  visualize_nazis(title = "Nazis With Multiple Items")

Coming Soon

abresler/nazihuntR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:07 a.m.