Man pages for achambaz/mediation.test
More Powerful Tests of the Composite Null Hypothesis Arising in Mediation Analysis

BH_mediation_test_minimaxCarries out the minimax optimal test of the composite null...
compute_map_rejection_probsComputes the "map" of rejection probabilities for the Bayes...
map_01_0.01The map of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk optimal...
map_01_0.05The map of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk optimal...
map_quad_0.01The map of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk optimal...
map_quad_0.05The map of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk optimal...
mediation_test_BayesCarries out the Bayes risk optimal test of the composite null...
mediation_test_minimaxCarries out the minimax optimal test of the composite null...
mediation.test-packagemediation.test: More Powerful Tests of the Composite Null... the "map" of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk...
plot.mediation.testPlots the output of 'function's 'mediation_test_minimax' and...
print.mediation.testPrints the output of 'function's 'mediation_test_minimax' and...
achambaz/mediation.test documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:25 a.m.