compute_map_rejection_probs: Computes the "map" of rejection probabilities for the Bayes...

View source: R/map.R

compute_map_rejection_probsR Documentation

Computes the "map" of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk optimal test of the composite null "\delta_x \times \delta_y=0" against its alternative "\delta_x \times \delta_y\neq 0" based on the test statistic in the real plane. The Bayes risk is induced by either the 0-1 or the bounded quadratic loss function.


Computes the "map" of rejection probabilities for the Bayes risk optimal test of the composite null "\delta_x \times \delta_y=0" against its alternative "\delta_x \times \delta_y\neq 0" based on the test statistic in the real plane. The Bayes risk is induced by either the 0-1 or the bounded quadratic loss function.


  alpha = 0.05,
  K = 16,
  loss = c("0-1", "quadratic"),
  return_solver = FALSE



A positive numeric, the wished type-I error (default value 0.05).


An integer parametrizing the discretization of the null hypothesis test and of the plane. The complexity of the resulting optimization problem is O(K^2), so 'K' should neither be too small nor too large. The default value is 'K=16'. We recommend 'K=64' as a sensible value and enforce 2 \leq K \leq 128.


A character, either "0-1" (default value) or "quadratic", to indicate which loss function to consider.


A logical, to request that the 'lpSolve' object be returned (if 'TRUE') or not (if 'FALSE', default). Note that the 'lpSolve' object can be quite big.


A '2K x 2K' matrix whose '(i,j)' coefficient is the probability to reject the null when the test statistic falls in the square [b(i-1-K)/K, b(i-K)/K] \times [b(j-1-K)/K, b(j-K)/K]. If 'return_solver' is 'TRUE', then the matrix has an attribute called 'solver' which is the complete output of the optimization function 'lpSolve::lp' used to determine the probabilities.


## one of the four outputs of 'compute_map_rejection_probs' stored in the package
head(map_01_0.05, c(5, 5)) 
map <- compute_map_rejection_probs(alpha = 0.05, K = 16, loss = "0-1")

achambaz/mediation.test documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:25 a.m.