Man pages for acidgenomics/bb8
Acid Genomics Developer Tools

buildBuild source and binary packages
cacheTestFilesCache test files from Acid Genomics S3 bucket
catVecPrint (cat) a vector to console
checkCheck package
currentBiocVersionCurrent Bioconductor release version
devinstallInstall package in development
fibonacciSequenceFibonacci sequence
findAndReplaceFind and replace in files across a directory
finderOpen Finder to the current directory
getCurrentGitHubVersionGet current release version of package from GitHub
inspectRowInspect a single (nested) row of a data frame
installInstall packages from Bioconductor, CRAN, or a Git remote
installAcidverseInstall Acid Genomics packages
installedPackagesFind installed packages
installFromGitHubInstall packages from GitHub
installRecommendedPackagesInstall recommended R packages
killKill R session
nonCamelArgsReturn documentation with arguments that are not formatted in...
nonCamelExportsReturn exports that are not formatted in strict camel case
packageDependenciesPackage dependencies
parseRdParse R documentation
pbcopyCopy to clipboard
pkgdownDeployToAwsDeploy a pkgdown website to AWS S3 bucket
printCommentPrint as comment
publishBuild packages and publish to Acid Genomics repo
rebuildBinaryRebuild a binary tarball from a source tarball
reexportsReexported functions
saveRdExamplesSave R documentation examples
scriptPathScript path
sizeFriendly human readable object size
stylerAcid Genomics styler formatting theme
tabularR documentation table
testExecute testthat tests in a package
uninstallUninstall a package
updateDepsUpdate outdated dependencies
updatePackagesUpdate all installed packages
validValidate installed package versions against correct versions
view2View object
acidgenomics/bb8 documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 11:38 a.m.