Man pages for acidgenomics/goalie
Assertive Check Functions

assertAssert that certain conditions are true
bapplyBoolean apply
causeCause attribute
checkAssert check
check-scalar-allAreAtomicDoes the input contain elements that are all atomic?
check-scalar-areSameLengthDo the inputs have the same length?
check-scalar-formalCompressCheck the 'compress' formal argument
check-scalar-hasClustersDoes the input object contain clusters?
check-scalar-hasCpuDoes the current machine have a sufficient number of CPU...
check-scalar-hasDimnamesDoes the input have dimnames?
check-scalar-hasDimsDoes the input have dimensions?
check-scalar-hasDuplicatesDoes the input have duplicates?
check-scalar-hasElementsDoes the input have elements?
check-scalar-hasGithubPatDoes the current session have a GitHub personal access token?
check-scalar-hasInternetDoes the current session have an Internet connection?
check-scalar-hasLengthDoes the input have a non-zero or defined length?
check-scalar-hasMetricsDoes the object contain quality control metrics?
check-scalar-hasMultipleSamplesDoes the input object contain multiple samples?
check-scalar-hasNamesDoes the input have names?
check-scalar-hasNonzeroRowsAndColsDoes the input contain non-zero rows and columns?
check-scalar-hasRamDoes the current machine have a sufficient RAM?
check-scalar-hasRownamesDoes the input have row names?
check-scalar-hasSubsetDoes the object contain a subset of data?
check-scalar-hasUniqueColsDoes the input have columns with unique values?
check-scalar-hasValidNamesDoes the input object have syntactically valid names?
check-scalar-isAllDoes the input belong to or inherit all of these classes?
check-scalar-isAlphaDoes the input contain an alpha level?
check-scalar-isAnyDoes the object belong to or inherit any of these classes?
check-scalar-isBiocDevelIs the current Bioconductor installation under development?
check-scalar-isBiocParallelParamDoes the input contain a BiocParallel parameter?
check-scalar-isCharacterDoes the input contain a (non-empty) character vector?
check-scalar-isCleanSystemLibraryIs the R system library clean?
check-scalar-isCondaEnabledIs conda enabled (active) in the current R session?
check-scalar-isDarkIs dark mode preferred?
check-scalar-isDevelIs the current session running inside R-devel?
check-scalar-isDockerIs the R session running inside Docker?
check-scalar-isDockerEnabledIs Docker enabled (running) on the current machine?
check-scalar-isFileSystemCaseSensitiveIs the file system case sensitive?
check-scalar-isFlagDoes the input contain a boolean flag?
check-scalar-isGgscaleDoes the input contain a ggplot2 scale?
check-scalar-isHeaderLevelDoes the input contain a Markdown header level?
check-scalar-isHexColorFunctionDoes the argument contain a function that returns hexadecimal...
check-scalar-isLinuxIs the operating system Linux?
check-scalar-isMacosIs the operating system macOS?
check-scalar-isOfDimensionDoes the input contain specific dimensions?
check-scalar-isOrganismIs the string input a full Latin organism name?
check-scalar-isRstudioIs the current R session running inside RStudio?
check-scalar-isScalarIs the input scalar?
check-scalar-isStringDoes the input contain a (non-empty) character string?
check-scalar-isTximportDoes the input contain a tximport list?
check-scalar-isUnixIs the operating system Unix-based?
check-scalar-isVanillaIs the R session running as vanilla?
check-scalar-isVectorishIs the input vector(ish)?
check-scalar-isVscodeIs the current R session running inside Visual Studio Code?
check-scalar-isWindowsIs the operating system Windows?
check-scalar-matchesUniqueGeneNamesDo the input gene names match unique values in the...
check-scalar-setsSet comparisons
check-scalar-validNamesAre these valid names?
check-vector-hasAccessCheck file system access rights
check-vector-isAwsS3UriDoes the input contain an AWS S3 URI?
check-vector-isCompressedFileDoes the input contain a compressed file?
check-vector-isDirectoryDoes the input contain a directory?
check-vector-isDuplicateDoes the input contain a duplicate value?
check-vector-isEqualHow does the input relate to a value?
check-vector-isExistingDoes the requested input exist in the environment?
check-vector-isExistingAwsS3UriDoes the input contain an existing (active) AWS S3 URI?
check-vector-isExistingUrlDoes the input contain an existing (active) URL?
check-vector-isFileDoes the input contain a file?
check-vector-isGitRepoDoes the input contain a Git repository?
check-vector-isHexColorDoes the input contain hexadecimal colors?
check-vector-isInRangeIs the input in range?
check-vector-isInstalledIs the package installed?
check-vector-isIntegerishIs the input integer(ish)?
check-vector-isMatchingDoes the string match a pattern?
check-vector-isPackageVersionIs the package installed and a specific version?
check-vector-isSymlinkDoes the input contain a symbolic link?
check-vector-isSystemCommandIs a system command installed?
check-vector-isTempFileDoes the input contain a temporary file (that exists on...
check-vector-isUrlDoes the input contain a URL?
extPatternFile extension pattern matching
falseSet a false goalie check with cause attribute
falseFromVectorSet a scalar false goalie check with cause attribute
goalieDefine a goalie check classed return
goalie-classgoalie logical assert check return
nocauseReturn standard logical without cause attribute
quietlyPerform an action quietly
requireNamespacesRequire package namespaces
setCauseReturn 'FALSE' vector with causes of failure
showShow an object
validateValidate an S4 class
validateClassesValidate expected classes
acidgenomics/goalie documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 11:36 p.m.