  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.width = 12,
  fig.height = 8

This tutorial is on pre-processing for non-accelerometer data. Pre-processing is an important part of the project pipeline – we hope this will give you a lot of flexibility e.g. to decide what variables you want to work with.

This tutorial contains:

  1. Troubleshooting
  2. UK Biobank
  3. Available data
  4. Downloading covariate data
  5. Processing health outcomes data
  6. Merging data files
  7. Participant withdrawals
  8. Exclusions
  9. Preprocessing
  10. Finding out more


If something is not working, speak to Rosemary.

Often the first thing to check is that all the files can be found in the specified locations.

UK Biobank

Read all about UK Biobank on the UK Biobank website.

UK Biobank is a large prospective cohort study of just over 500,000 participants. Between 2006 and 2010, people aged 40-69 living in England, Scotland, and Wales within roughly 25 miles of an assessment centre were recruited by letter.

It has several components:

Available data

For this data challenge we will use accelerometer data, "standard" participant data (i.e. one-row-per-participant tabular data on covariates), Hospital Episode Statistics data, and death register data.

UK Biobank is currently in the process of moving from a model where you download a local copy of an encrypted dataset and do all processing locally to a model where you work with the data through a Research Analysis Platform (RAP). On the RAP. you can prepare datasets and perform analyses. It has several advantages over local data, including centralised data security, automatic updates to data, and nicer formatting. However, it's not yet as flexible as using a local copy: for example, it's currently not possible to use RStudio on the RAP (although this is coming in 2022).

As the RAP is quite new, we"re currently working out workflows on the new system. In this course, we will use a hybrid approach.

We provide several files locally. These can be found under /cdtshared/wearables/health_data_files. Please do not change the contents of this folder.

We will use the RAP to add variables not available in the prepared dataset.

Data should never be downloaded to your local machine: you should always be working on the VM. All data should be deleted at the end of the Data Challenge. We will email you to confirm this.

Downloading covariate data

This section explains how to use the RAP to download different sets of variables. If all the covariate data needed for your analysis is available in base_cohort_wearables.csv you might not actually need to do this in the Data Challenge. But you can still spend some time exploring the platform.

Read more about the platform in the user guide. Here is a Quickstart Guide.

Using the platform does entail processing and storage costs. You have some credit to start with. If you stick to the kinds of tasks mentioned in this tutorial (processing and visualising covariate data and filtering participants), you are unlikely to run into any problems.

Step 1: Approval

Before you can use the Research Analysis Platform, you need to:

Step 2: Creating an account

Create a RAP account (or log in if you have an account)

Step 3: Accessing and using UKB data through a project

Screengrab 1

Screengrab 2

Screengrab 3

Step 4: Exporting the cohort / dataset to csv

Screengrab 4

Step 5: Download the csv file to the VM

python3 -m venv my_new_env
source my_new_env/bin/activate

Do it with your own cohort

You can repeat this with your own cohort. To create one, click on the base_cohort_wearables_light (this cohort contains only eid and sex) and add the columns you need (see previous steps), save the new cohort, convert to csv and download the file.

Sometimes you might want to add only one or two variables that you realise are relevant. Note that the quickest way to do this is to add these variables to the bare base_cohort_wearables_light and then merge your downloaded csv file into the copy of the dataset you're already working with locally.

Feel free to try out other data visualisation features of the browser (e.g. adding Tiles to the Dashboard). Stick to using "standard" covariate data only. Do not use the Bulk data (e.g. genetic data). It is beyond the scope of this challenge. It may also be expensive or tricky to process.

Processing health outcomes data

We have provided a utility script (other_processing_scripts/ to automatically add health outcomes data to a dataset. To do so, you need to define the ICD codes of interest in a JSON file. An example is: other_processing_scripts/icdGroups.json. The JSON file also needs a "level" argument to be specified: "all" identifies all diagnoses, whereas "primary" identifies only diagnoses which were the primary diagnosis for that episode.

Then run:

python other_processing/ /cdtshared/wearables/health_data_files/base_cohort_wearables.csv /cdtshared/wearables/health_data_files/hesin_all.csv data/base_cohort_wearables_with_hes.csv other_processing/icdGroupsIHD.json --incident_prevalent True --date_column p90011 # This last argument means incident vs prevalent disease is defined 
# relative to the end of accelerometer wear
# Note you should replace "data/base_cohort_wearables_with_hes.csv" with where you want to save file

This will add a column containing the date of first instance of the given disease definition, as well as a binary column indicating incident disease and a binary column indicating prevalent disease (relative to the date in the specified date column).

This dataset includes hospital admissions only. You will probably also want to use data on deaths, which can be found in the death.txt and death_cause.txt files. Even if mortality is not your outcome, if you are doing analyses of survival data, participants are censored at death for other outcomes. Also, sometimes a disease event may appear in the death register without appearing in Hospital Episode Statistics e.g. a fatal stroke occurring outside of hospital would be recorded on the death register but not in HES.

Censoring dates for all outcome data at time of download of these files were 2021-02-28 for the death register; 2021-03-31 for HES in England and Scotland, 2018-02-28 for HES in Wales. Read more about what these censoring dates mean here.

Defining the outcome

One of the challenges in the Data Challenge will be working out how to define your health outcome. Some things to think about:

Merging data files

You can merge data files using the "eid" column.

Note that with accelerometer data, the "eid" column may need adjusting to remove extra text.

# First we"ll load data.table, a package that makes reading large files easier
if (!require("data.table")) install.packages("data.table")

# Then we load acc data and covariate data
df_acc <- data.table::fread("../data_and_data_prep/accelerometer.csv", data.table = FALSE) # replace file location with /cdtshared/wearables/health_data_files/accelerometer.csv
df_cov <- data.table::fread("../data_and_data_prep/base_cohort_wearables_with_hes.csv", data.table = FALSE) # replace file location with location in which you saved the cohort with added HES data

# Then we relabel eids to same format
df_acc$eid <- sub("_90001_0_0.gz", "", df_acc$eid) # This line replaces the first string with the second one wherever it appears in acc$eid

# Then we merge
df <- merge(df_cov, df_acc, by = "eid")

# And clean up the environment
rm(df_acc, df_cov)

Note that the "eid" column is different for every UK Biobank project. Therefore, you can use it to merge files within the same project, but not to merge files between projects.


It is useful to know that participants have the right to withdraw at any time from UK Biobank. One of the advantages of using the RAP system is that participants are withdrawn automatically from datasets on the RAP. We have manually withdrawn participants from the other datasets we have provided in the CDT, so you do not need to perform withdrawals in this particular project.


Before working with the data, we usually exclude some participants.

It's a good idea to record how many participants are excluded at each of the above steps. Usually, studies present a flow diagram (see point 13c) to be precise about which groups of participants were left out and why:

tab_exc <- data.frame("reason" = "Starting cohort", "n_exc" = NA, "n_after" = nrow(df))

First, we exclude participants with poor quality accelerometer data. A standard protocol for exclusions in UK Biobank is to:

nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[df$quality.goodCalibration ==1, ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Poor calibration", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))
nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[df$quality.goodWearTime == 1, ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Poor wear time", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))
nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[(df$clipsBeforeCalibration < 0.01*df$totalReads) & (df$clipsAfterCalibration <0.01*df$totalReads) , ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Too many clips", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))
nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[df$acc.overall.avg < 100, ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Very high average acc", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))

If you're interested in finding out more this is a good reference. There is a lot of literature on accelerometer data quality!

There are two other types of exclusions you may wish to make, depending on your planned analysis. These can be done now, or later when you're recoding and processing variables:

# Exclude participants with prevalent IHD in hospital data
# You might want to also exclude prevalent self-reported IHD
nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[df$`ischaemic-heart-disease-prevalent` == 0, ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Prevalent ischaemic heart disease in HES", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))

# Exclude participants missing smoking status 
nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[(df$p20116_i0 %in% c("Previous", "Never", "Current")), ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Missing/unanswered smoking status", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))

# Exclude participants missing BMI
nb <- nrow(df)
df <- df[(!$p21001_i0)), ]
tab_exc <- rbind(tab_exc, data.frame("reason" = "Missing BMI", "n_exc" = nb - nrow(df), "n_after" = nrow(df)))

How many participants excluded:


Watch out for NA values Lots of the R code in these tutorials will do some very weird things if you have NA values in variables. Have a look and check it's behaving as you expect.


The downloaded data has fields named using UK Biobank field IDs. You can identify these using the Data Showcase, and relabel as appropriate. See note above on the meaning of the second 2 numbers in the filename: the instance, and the array index. Note for some variables you need all array indices.

df$sex <- df$p31
df$month_birth <- df$p52
df$year_birth <- df$p34
df$ukb_assess_cent <- df$p54_i0
df$smoking <- df$p20116_i0
df$BMI <- df$p21001_i0
df$end_accel_wear <- as.Date(df$p90011, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
df$date_ihd <- as.Date(df$`ischaemic-heart-disease`, format = "%Y-%m-%d") # format date variable.

Have a look at the variables you're planning to use in more detail, understand their distribution, recode any values you wish to recode, and change groupings as required. For example, the ethnicity variable has many distinctions, some of which apply to very few participants, so you may wish to recode it for statistical analyses. Spending time understanding the data in detail now will not be wasted! The UKB Data Showcase is the go-to resource for understanding variables in the data.

One thing you will need to do is add an age-at-accelerometer-wear variable. Here's an example of some code to do that:

# Add date of birth
df$approx_dob <-
  as.Date(paste(df$year_birth, df$month_birth, "15", sep = "-"),
          "%Y-%B-%d") # UK Biobank doesn't contain day of birth as it would be unnecessary identifying information, so we impute it as the 15th of the birth month.

# Add age at entry in days
df$age_entry_days <-
           units = "days")

# Convert to age at entry in years
df$age_entry_years <- as.double(df$age_entry_days) / 365.25

# Add age groups
df$age_gp <-
    breaks = c(40, 50, 60, 70, 80),
    right = FALSE,
    labels = c("40-49", "50-59", "60-69", "70-79")

If you're interested in incident disease analyses, you might also need to add a follow-up time variable i.e. the difference between the time the participant entered the study (accelerometer wear date) and when they left it: death, censoring (end date of study data, at which point they had not had an event) or the event of interest. First we need to set up the data in an appropriate format, with a follow-up time and an indicator at exit indicating whether the participant exited due to an event or due to being censored (either the participant died of another cause or study data ended before they had an event). As noted above, censoring at time of download of these files were 2021-02-28 for the death register; 2021-03-31 for HES in England and Scotland, 2018-02-28 for HES in Wales. We'll look at incident ischaemic heart disease (IHD):

# Load data on participants who died
df_death <-
  read.csv("../data_and_data_prep/death.txt", sep = "\t")# Replace file location with "/cdtshared/wearables/health_data_files/death.txt"
df_death_cause <-
  read.csv("../data_and_data_prep/death_cause.txt", sep = "\t")# Replace file location with "/cdtshared/wearables/health_data_files/death.txt"
df_death <-
  df_death[df_death$ins_index == 0, ]  # Keep just one record per participant: a very small number of participants have duplicate records

# Format date data
df_death$date_death <-
  as.Date(df_death$date_of_death, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

# Add a death indicator
df$died <- ifelse(df$eid %in% df_death$eid, 1L, 0L)

df <-
    df_death[, c("eid", "date_death")],
    by = "eid",
    all.x = TRUE,
    suffixes = c("", "dup")
cat(sum(df$died), "participants died.\n")

# Record country-wise censoring dates (see note above)
indic_wales <-
  df$ukb_assess_cent %in% c("Cardiff", "Wrexham", "Swansea")
df$date_cens <- as.Date(ifelse(indic_wales,  "2018-02-28", "2021-02-28"))

# People who died are censored at earliest of date of death and overall censoring
# e.g. a participant in Wales who died in 2020 should be censored at 28.02.2018
died <- df$died == 1
df$date_cens[died] <-
  pmin(df$date_cens[died], df$date_death[died])

# Add follow up variable
# i.e. censor date for participants without an event, event date for participants with event in study period
df$date_fu <- df$date_cens
had_ihd <-
  df$`ischaemic-heart-disease-incident` == 1 # make indicator variable
df$date_fu[had_ihd] <-
  pmin(df$date_ihd[had_ihd], df$date_fu[had_ihd])

# Record event status at exit
# Why aren't we just using the ischaemic.heart.disease.incident variable? There are instances of entries in the data after censoring.
had_ihd_in_study_period <- had_ihd & (df$date_ihd == df$date_fu)
df$inc_ihd <- ifelse(had_ihd_in_study_period, 1L, 0L)
  "had incident hospital diagnosed ischaemic heart disease within the follow up period"

# Mark inc_ihd for participants with no HES-record of IHD but a record of IHD at death
died_no_hes_ihd <- died & !(had_ihd)
ids_with_death_ihd <-
  df_death_cause$eid[grepl("I20|I21|I22|I23|I24|I25", df_death_cause$cause_icd10)]
death_ihd <-  df$eid %in% ids_with_death_ihd
df$inc_ihd[died_no_hes_ihd &
                 death_ihd &
                 (df$date_fu == df$date_death)] <- 1L

# Calculate follow up time
df$fu_time <-
  as.double(difftime(df$date_fu, df$end_accel_wear, units = "days"))

# Clean up our working environment 
rm(indic_wales, died, had_ihd, had_ihd_in_study_period, died_no_hes_ihd, death_ihd)

When working with date data, especially when dates are only present for some participants, it is very easy to write code which behaves in strange ways... I did so several times when writing this example (and don't guarantee it's error-free now). It is well worth inspecting your data repeatedly to check that the code is doing what you expect. This isn't shown here, as we can't print data on the internet, but here are some checks we can do:

df$fu_years <- df$fu_time/365.25

# Follow up time distribution

# Follow up time in different groups
aggregate(df$fu_years, list(df$ukb_assess_cent), FUN=median) 
aggregate(df$fu_years, list(df$died), FUN=median)
aggregate(df$fu_years, list(df$inc_ihd), FUN=median)

We'll also inspect variables we want to use, to check if there's any a priori recoding we want to do:



We might want to take some time now to tidy up the data. We've got data from multiple sources, processed in multiple ways. So we can end up with quite a messy dataset. We can take some time to tidy it and then write it out:

hour_of_day_cols <- colnames(df)[grepl("hourOfDay", colnames(df))] # we"ll use these in next tutorial
df_final <- df[, c("age_entry_days", "age_entry_years", "age_gp", "sex", "smoking", "BMI", "inc_ihd", "date_fu", "fu_time", "end_accel_wear", "acc.overall.avg", "MVPA.overall.avg", "light.overall.avg", "sedentary.overall.avg", "sleep.overall.avg", hour_of_day_cols)]
data.table::fwrite(df_final, "../data_and_data_prep/dataset-with-preprocessing-done.csv") # replace with location in which to save file

These preparatory steps are indicative of the kind of thing you might want to look at. They are not exhaustive. Think through the steps you need for the analysis you want to do e.g. adding more covariates.

Finding out more

To find out more about particular UK Biobank variables, use the Data Showcase

To find out more about UK Biobank data collection and history, this is a good summary

Read more about the move to the Research Analysis Platform here

activityMonitoring/week2DataChallenge documentation built on May 30, 2022, 1:54 p.m.