Man pages for ada-w-yan/reassortment
Modelling Evolution of Strain Mixtures Including Reassortment

apply_named_argsa version of apply() that matches the dimnames of X to the...
enumerate_popntake a vector with the number of virions of each strain, and...
get_hashget short hash of current commit
get_user_optionsspecify user options for cluster
get_vars_from_list_with_checkextract variables from list, throwing an error if they are...
lapply_w_namea version of lapply() that supplies FUN with both the name...
list_vars_from_environmentgather variables with given names from an environment into a...
make_and_package_segmentsreturns the number of newly produced virions after...
make_mutation_matrixmake matrix of probabilities of strain x mutating into strain...
make_results_foldermake folder to store results and (optional) store hash of...
mutate_popn_wrappermake function to mutate a population of virions
normalisenormalises a vector so that it sums to 1
num2strturn number(s) into string for filename, replacing decimal...
parLapply_wrapperwrapper for parLapply for cluster
plot_multirun_segmentsplot results of run_xxx_model by segment when there are...
plot_multirun_strainsplot results of run_xxx_model by strain when there are...
plot_segmentsplot results of run_xxx_model by segment
plot_strainsplot results of run_xxx_model by strain
probabilistic_roundround a (vector of) numbers up with probability equal to...
reassort_popnold implementation of reassortment
round_preserve_sumrounds a numeric vector probabilistically such that its sum...
run_default_parsSimulate evolution of mixture by reassortment and/or...
run_mutation_model_no_coinfectionSimulate evolution of mixture by mutation, with no...
segments_to_strainturns a list of segment indices into a strain number
sensitivity_plotplot proportion of each strain at 20 generations across...
setup_clusterCluster setup
simulate_evolutionSimulate evolution of mixture by reassortment and/or mutation
sum_strainstakes a vector of length equal to the number of virions,...
vnapplyvapply returning numeric vector of length 1
ada-w-yan/reassortment documentation built on April 10, 2021, 12:03 a.m.