
The gapfraction package for R is designed for processing airborne laser scanning (ALS) light-detection-and-ranging (LiDAR) data of forests. A version of the package was implemented in the final chapter of my doctoral dissertation at University of British Columbia[1]. The package is designed to be used with LiDAR data pre-processed with LAStools[2] or USDA Fusion[3]. The main input to functions in the gapfraction package are LAS format height-normalized point clouds, typically LiDAR plots corresponding to field plots. The compressed LAZ format is not yet supported, as I rely on the rLiDAR readLAS function for importing data[4].

Functions Included

The gapfraction package implements my new fast-pit-free canopy height model (CHM) algorithm based on Khosravipour et al. (2013)[5], two new LiDAR metrics of canopy gap fraction (Po) and angular canopy closure (ACC), several recent individual tree crown (ITC) detection methods, canopy distance and direction metrics, effective leaf area index (Le) and apparent clumping index (ACI) estimation methods, as well as four mathematical fisheye (hemispherical) lens models: equi-angular, equi-distant, stereographic, and orthographic. An alphabetical list of functions in the gapfraction package is provided below.

Equations Implemented

You can write math expressions: Y = Xβ + ϵ

$$\begin{align*} \sum_{k=1}^n c x_k &=cx_1+cx_2+\cdots+cx_n\\ &=c(x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n)\\ &=c\sum_{k=1}^nx_k \end{align*}$$

Getting Started

Data Pre-processing

For LiDAR data without ground point classifications, height-normalized point clouds can be produced either with two LAStools command line functions, lasground and lasheight, or with three functions in USDA Fusion, GroundFilter, GridSurfaceCreate, and CanopyModel. If the ground points are already classified then you only need to use the lasheight function of LAStools, while the process for Fusion still requires the same three functions. Hence, I recommend that you use, as the LAStools ground point classification algorithm is also superior to that of Fusion, producing more accurate height-normalized point clouds. This is because Fusion uses the Kraus and Pfeifer (1998) algorithm[6], while LAStools implements an optimized version of the Axelsson (1999) algorithm[7]. For more information, read Maguya, Junttila, and Kauranne (2014)[8]. An example application of lasground and lasheight, implemented in Command Prompt or Bash, is provided below. Very simple!

lasground -i lidar.las -o lidar_g.las 
lasheight -i lidar_g.las -o lidar_n.las -replace_z

In order to run these functions, you need to istall LAStools. For Windows, don't forget to add the LAStools bin directory to your system path[9]. For a single LiDAR plot, this is simple to run without leaving your R session. You can call these functions using the system function included in base R, as shown below.

system(lasground -i lidar.las -o lidar_g.las)
system(lasheight -i lidar_g.las -o lidar_n.las -replace_z)

To loop through LAS files stored in a folder, the syntax follows something like this:

folder <- 'C:/lidar'
files  <- list.files(folder, pattern="\\.las$", full.names=TRUE)

for (i in 1:length(files)) {
  file   <- files[i]
  basenm <- basename(file)
  filenm <- strsplit(basenm,'.',fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
  ground <- paste(folder,filenm,'_ground.las',sep='')
  htnorm <- paste(folder,filenm,'_norm.las',sep='')
  system(paste('lasground -i ',file,' -o ',ground, sep=''))
  while (!file.exists(ground)) { Sys.sleep(1) }
  system(paste('lasheight -i ',ground,' -o ',htnorm,' -replace_z', sep=''))
  while (!file.exists(htnorm)) { Sys.sleep(1) }

What this for loop does is read in each LAS file path, extract the name of the file without extension, create the filenames of the ground and height-normalized outputs, execute lasground, wait for the output, execute lasheight using the ground file as the input, wait for the output, then proceed to the next iteration. The code should be simple to parallelize using the foreach package, with each fork running in a new Command Prompt or Bash window.

Example Data

After loading the gapfraction package with the library function, the example data can be loaded by calling data(las). The included data consists of X, Y, Z coordinates in UTM 11N and meters, along with 8-bit unsigned interger values for intensity and return number. The data represents a 100-meter diameter LiDAR plot in the foothills of western Alberta, Canada, where I conducted my PhD research. Based on previous research, I recommend using plots minimally of this size for comparison to ground data (e.g., hemispherical photography) to capture edge effects.

X Y Z Intensity ReturnNumber 472568.2 5882445 10.55 2 1 472568.6 5882446 9.24 4 1 472568.7 5882446 11.76 22 1 472568.7 5882446 0.00 14 2 472568.0 5882448 6.16 13 1 472568.3 5882448 11.18 32 1 472568.1 5882448 10.30 26 1 472568.7 5882450 0.00 3 2 472568.7 5882449 0.47 15 2 472568.2 5882450 14.37 27 1

Once the data is loaded, you can proceed to call functions from the gapfraction package.

Example Usage

Comparison of canopy height model (CHM) algorithms.


## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 100, 100, 10000  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.98802, 0.987822  (x, y)
## extent      : 472568.5, 472667.4, 5882398, 5882496  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : NA 
## data source : in memory
## names       : layer 
## values      : 0, 21.83  (min, max)

## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 100, 100, 10000  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.98802, 0.987822  (x, y)
## extent      : 472568.5, 472667.4, 5882398, 5882496  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : NA 
## data source : in memory
## names       : index_1 
## values      : 0, 20.41133  (min, max)

Creating a pit-free CHM and performing individual tree crown (ITC) detection with the standard variable-window and watershed algorithms.

mw   <-, ht2rad=function(x) 0.15746*x)
wat  <- itc.wat(chm, ht2rad=function(x) 0.15746*x)

Creating a stacked pit-free CHM and performing individual tree crown (ITC) detection with the hierarchical variable-window and watershed algorithms.

mw   <-, ht2rad=function(x) 0.15746*x, silent=TRUE)
wat  <- itc.wat.h(chm, ht2rad=function(x) 0.15746*x, silent=TRUE)

Then you can use the chunk option fig.cap = "Your figure caption." in knitr.


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Also a quote using >:

"He who gives up [code] safety for [code] speed deserves neither." (via)

[1] Erickson, A. (2016) Forecasting Brown Bear (Ursus Arctos) Habitat Through the Integration of Remote Sensing, a Process-based Tree Establishment Model, and a Forest Landscape Model. University of British Columbia.

[2] LAStools:

[3] USDA Fusion:

[4] Silva, Crookston, Hudak, and Vierling (2015). rLiDAR: LiDAR Data Processing and Visualization. R package version 0.1.

[5] Khosravipour et al. (2013) Development of an algorithm to generate a LiDAR pit-free canopy height model.

[6] Kraus and Pfeifer (1998) Determination of terrain models in wooded areas with airborne laser scanner data.

[7] Axelsson (1999) Processing of laser scanner data—algorithms and applications.

[8] Maguya, Junttila, and Kauranne (2014)


adam-erickson/gapfraction documentation built on May 12, 2024, 6:15 p.m.