
Defines functions pval_for_mag

Documented in pval_for_mag

#' Calculate the estimated p-value for a given observed alternative
#' and a given norm.
#' @param mc_limit_dstr the simulated data draw from
#' the limiting distribution under the null
#' @param dir the observed estimate of the parameter
#' @param norms_idx the index for the norm used
#' @param norm_type the type of norm used
#' @param ... additional arguments that may be passed to
#' pval_for_mag, but which will be ignored.
#' @export
pval_for_mag <- function(mc_limit_dstr, dir, norms_idx = 2,
                         norm_type = "lp", ...) {
  num_norms <- length(norms_idx)
  est_pvals <- rep(NA, num_norms)
  distr <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(mc_limit_dstr), ncol = num_norms)
  if(norm_type == "ssq"){
    num_obs <- nrow(mc_limit_dstr)
    trans_dir <- cumsum(dir ** 2)
    for(obs_idx in 1:num_obs){
      distr[obs_idx, ] <- cumsum(sort(mc_limit_dstr[obs_idx, ] ** 2, decreasing = TRUE))
    for(lp_idx in 1:num_norms){
      trans_est <- trans_dir[norms_idx[lp_idx]]
      est_pvals[lp_idx] <- mean(as.numeric(distr[, norms_idx[lp_idx]] >= trans_est))
  if(norm_type == "lp"){
    nrmd_distr <- apply(mc_limit_dstr, 1, l_p_norm, p = norms_idx[lp_idx], type = "lp")
    for(lp_idx in 1:num_norms){
      trans_dir <- l_p_norm(dir, p = norms_idx[lp_idx], type = "lp")
      est_pvals[lp_idx] <- mean(as.numeric(nrmd_distr >= trans_dir))
    names(est_pvals) <- norms_idx
adam-s-elder/amar documentation built on Feb. 5, 2022, 7:10 a.m.