mutate_all_qc: Scoped versions of mutate_qc

mutate_all_qcR Documentation

Scoped versions of mutate_qc


mutate_all_qc, mutate_at_qc, mutate_if_qc, and their transmute equivalents return identical objects as the scoped versions of dplyr::mutate and dplyr::transmute.The only difference is that the _qc versions print a message indicating the number of NA or INFinite values created in the new or edited variable(s) after calling mutate.


mutate_all_qc(.tbl, .funs, ..., .group_check = F)

transmute_all_qc(.tbl, .funs, ..., .group_check = F)

mutate_at_qc(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL, .group_check = F)

transmute_at_qc(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL, .group_check = F)

mutate_if_qc(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ..., .group_check = F)

transmute_if_qc(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ..., .group_check = F)



A tbl object.


A function fun, a quosure style lambda ~ fun(.) or a list of either form.


Additional arguments for the function calls in .funs. These are evaluated only once, with tidy dots support.


a logical value, that when TRUE, will print a table with each group variable, and columns called "var_name" and "n_missing" that together indicate, for each group, how many values are missing of newly created variables. Only variables that contain at least 1 missing value are reported. This has no effect on the returned object, and only prints information. Default is FALSE, to avoid excess printing. If data is not grouped and .group_check = T, then an error is thrown.


A list of columns generated by vars(), a character vector of column names, a numeric vector of column positions, or NULL.


This argument has been renamed to .vars to fit dplyr's terminology and is deprecated.


A predicate function to be applied to the columns or a logical vector. The variables for which .predicate is or returns TRUE are selected. This argument is passed to rlang::as_function() and thus supports quosure-style lambda functions and strings representing function names.


An object of the same class as .data. This object will be identical to that which is returned when running mutate_all_qc, mutate_at_qc, mutate_if_qc, and their transmute equivalents.


All functions work with grouped data.

See Also



practice_data <- 
  A = c(1:4, NA), 
  B = c(NA, 7:10), 
  C = 21:25,
  G = c("X", "X", "X", "Y", "Y")

# Use the _qc versions just like normal dplyr scoped mutate functions.
  vars(A, C), 
  funs(m = mean(., na.rm = T), s = sum)

mutate_all_qc(practice_data, funs(as.character))

# Pipes work, just as they always do in dplyr
practice_data %>% mutate_if_qc(is.integer, mean)

# Functions work on grouped data, too
grouped_data <- group_by(practice_data, G)
grouped_data %>% 
  mutate_at_qc(vars(A, C), funs(m = mean(., na.rm = T), s = sum))

# Setting .group_check = T will also print a table indicating which groups
# have a missing value, on what variable, and how many values are missing.
mutate_at_qc(grouped_data, vars(A, B), funs(mean), .group_check = T)

adamMaier/reviewr documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 7:21 a.m.