Man pages for adamdsmith/fwspp
Querying Biodiversity Databases on USFWS Properties

add_taxonomyAdd or update taxonomic information to a 'fwspp' object
buffer_propGenerate a spatial buffer around a USFWS property
clip_occClip species occurrence records to a FWS property boundary
dice_propSplit large FWS property into smaller more manageable units
ensure_multipolygonsEnsure the the cadastral data is a multipolygon object.
find_fwsFind USFWS properties available for query
fws_occSpecies occurrence records on U.S. Fish and Wildlife...
fwspp'fwspp' package
fwspp_combineConsolidate two or more 'fwspp' objects
fwspp_reviewExport species occurrence records in an 'fwspp' object to...
fwspp_submissionImport species occurrence records after review and export...
fws_taxonomyRetrieve raw USFWS taxonomic information matching scientific...
get_UTM_zoneGet the UTM zone for a given longitude
get_wktGet WKT (Well-Known Text) representation of an sf...
has_taxonomyCheck if 'fwspp' object has taxonomic information attached
install_fws_cadastralInstall the most current USFWS cadastral geodatabase
ll_ratioCalculate approximate ratio of latitude:longitude distance...
pipePipe operator
prep_cadastralPrepare USFWS cadastral spatial data
prep_propertiesFilter USFWS properties for query
prop_bbMake property bounding box around a FWS property boundary
prop_bb_areaCalculate the area of a FWS property bounding box
retrieve_occRetrieve species occurrence records from databases
retrieve_taxonomyRetrieve taxonomic information for one or more scientific...
split_at_idlSplit FWS property at International Date Line
split_propSplit FWS properties into smaller pieces to avoid timeout...
stash_cadastralStore USFWS cadastral data prior to updating 'fwspp' package
unstash_cadastralRestore USFWS cadastral data after updating 'fwspp' package
adamdsmith/fwspp documentation built on May 14, 2024, 10:28 a.m.