RedmineProject-class: Redmine Project object

Description Fields Methods Examples


Reference Class used to interact with a Redmine Project



The API key for your user, retrieved from your account page. Protect this key, or consider a special system account with limited permissions.


The URL of your Redmine instance, including http:// or https://. At this stage, the package does not support Redmine addresses such as http://<domain>/redmine. Different ports are supported though.


The project identifier


List containing all information about the project


List containing the last upload details so it can be attached to an issue


The trackers that are available in the project


The issue categories that are available in the project



createNewIssue(subject, description = "", trackerId = NULL, categoryId = NULL, attachLastUpload = F, statusId = NULL, assignedToId = NULL, parentIssueId = NULL, customFields = list(), watcherUserIds = NULL, verbose = F)

Create a new issue trackerId: REQUIRED - Numeric , subject, description, categoryId = NULL, statusId = NULL, categoryId = NULL assigned_to_id = NULL, parent_issue_id = NULL, custom_fields = list(), watcher_user_ids = NULL


Fetches member list for the project and update the object

getIssueList(params = list())

Retrieve the issue list for the project. params: Optional named list of filter terms from Redmine. Following are permitted by the API: - subproject_id - limit issues to subproject - tracker_id - Only retrieve issues for given tracker id - status_id - Only retrieve issues for the given status id - assigned_to_id - User id currently assigned - cf_<x> Custom field, where x is the field id, and valid value for the field

initialize(apiKey, url, projectId)

Initialise the class

apiKey: Required character string. The API key obtained from your Redmine user profile. RESTful API must be enable by the Redmine administrator

url: Required character string. The URL for your Redmine installation. Note that this is stripped to a base url.

projectId: Required character string. The Redmine project identifier.

updateIssue(issueId, notes, trackerId = NULL, description = NULL, statusId = NULL, subject = NULL, attachLastUpload = F)

Updates an issue on the Redmine project. issueId: Required Numeric - The issue number to update notes: Required Character - The notes to add to the issue description: Optional character - Update the issue description trackerId: Optional - Change the tracker that this issue uses (numeric) statusId: Optional Numeric - Update to this status ID. Must be a valid status id and the workflow must permit the transition subject: Optional character - Change the description to this character string. attachLastUpload: Optional logical - Attach last upload. Default is false.

uploadFile(filePath, description = NULL)

Upload file to Redmine, ready for attaching to an issue. filePath: Required valid path to file description: Optional character string describing the file


## Not run: 
cfg = config::get("redmine")
redmine = RedmineProject(cfg$apiKey, cfg$url, 'RMT')

## End(Not run)

adamedgley/RedmineR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:58 p.m.