An R package for internal use to retrieve files from the University of Southern Queensland's NCEA soil probe FTP file server for the Centre for Crop Health's Summer Crops Pathology group and collate all files while converting five-minute data into daily values and filtering outliers in the five-minute data before generating daily mean values for analysis and graphing.

Load libraries for use in R session


Using get_os() to set the filepaths

Check the operating system first to see what platform R is running on. Set the output file path appropriately.

if(get_os == "windows") {
  file_path <- "J:/Summer\ Pathology/Jo\ White/Theta\ Probe\ Files/"
} else # macOS, so
  file_path <-
  "/Volumes/centreforcrophealth/Summer\ Pathology/Jo\ White/Theta\ Probe\ Files/"

Using get_soil_moisture() to download new data

This function, get_soil_moisture(), downloads data from the FTP server. The theta probe logger files are made up of several disjoint files that this function will concatenate with any prior data files available locally to create a single master file of the data for cleaning and analysis.

' output. Defaults to current working directory.

get_soil_moisture(userpwd = "",
                  path = "~/Documents/Data/Theta Probe/",
                  local_dirs = "~/Documents/Data/Theta Probe/")

Using clean_theta_data() to remove outliers in the data

Use a Hampel filter to remove outliers before summarising five-minute data into daily values.

soil <- clean_theta_data(csv_in = paste0(
  "~/Documents/Data/Theta Probe/",

Final formatting and graphing

Name probes in data file

The soil probes are referred to as "JW_01" and "JW_02" in the logger files. In this step we will assign the location names in the final file for analysis.

soil$Probe[soil$Probe == "JW_01"] <- "Hermitage"
soil$Probe[soil$Probe == "JW_02"] <- "Kingaroy"

Clean up data

The Hermitage probe was reactivated while in storage and transmitted values. This step removes them from the final data.

soil <-
  soil[which(soil$Probe != "Hermitage" |
               soil$Date < "2017-08-15"), ]

Final steps, graphing and saving data

Graph data

Create a graph of the data and store it in a shared location. This makes use of the theme.usq package to apply USQ colours and typography to the graphic.

theta_graph <-
  ggplot(soil, aes(x = Date, y = Moisture, colour = Probe)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_colour_manual(values = usq_palette[c(1, 3)]) +
  ylab("Soil Moisture (%)") +
  facet_grid(Probe ~ .) +
  theme_usq() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

ggsave(paste0("/Daily_Soil_Moisture_Graph_", Sys.Date(), ".png"),
       path = file_path)

Save the cleaned master CSV file

Save data to disk in a shared location.

          paste0(file_path, "Daily_Soil_Moisture_Data_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"))

adamhsparks/ThetaProbe documentation built on Sept. 19, 2019, 3:20 a.m.