Man pages for adamhsparks/theme.usq
USQ Themed Plots for Base Graphics and 'ggplot2'

barplot_usqBasic barplots using USQ colours and typography
boxplot_usqBasic boxplots using USQ colours and typography
hist_usqBasic histograms using USQ colours and typography
plot_usqBasic X-Y plotting using USQ colours and typography
scale_colour_usqggplot2 colour scale constructor for USQ colours
scale_fill_usqggplot2 fill scale constructor for USQ colours
theme_usqA ggplot2 theme based on USQ visual identity and typography...
theme.usq-packagetheme.usq: USQ Themed Plots for Base Graphics and 'ggplot2'
usq_coloursUSQ colours
usq_colsFunction to extract USQ colours as hex codes
usq_palReturn function to interpolate a USQ colour palette
usq_palettesPalettes of USQ colours
vis_paletteVisualise a single palette using R's graphics capabilities
adamhsparks/theme.usq documentation built on Nov. 20, 2020, 8:11 a.m.