Man pages for adamlilith/legendary
New types of plots and their legends

annulusPlot an annulus on an existing plot.
annulusSegPlot an annulus with different segments on an existing plot
arcPlot an arc on an existing plot
colorFrom4VectorTransforms a vector of four values to a set of HSV color...
dot-locateElementLocate a plot element (e.g., a legend)
emptyCornerFind the corner of a plot region that is most empty of plot...
getFigReturn coordinates for par(fig=xxxx)
labelFigAdds a label to the upper left corner of a plot
legendaryomnibus: Fantabulous plotting functions
legendBreaksAdd a legend with thresholded values to a plot
legendGradAdd a gradient legend to a plot
legendQuadCreates a "four-color" plot legend for interpreting data with...
pancakesPlots two horizontal barplots back-to-back.
piesPlots a pie graph.
quadPlotCreates a "four-color" plot for interpreting data with...
spokeSpoke plot
welfareGDP, population, and HIV prevalence for the countries of the...
adamlilith/legendary documentation built on July 28, 2023, 8:13 p.m.