Man pages for adamlilith/statisfactory
Statistical and Geometrical Tools

artAligned rank transform of non-parametric data for further...
backTransPCA"Back-transform" PCA scores to their original values
countConnectedCount number of contiguous "blocks" of cells
dot-removeRedundantModelsRemove redundant model forms from a list of models
dot-removeVerbotenVariableCombosRemove formula with unwanted combinations of variables.
euclidEuclidean distance
fuzzyJaccardFuzzy Jaccard index
geoMeanGeometric mean
hist2dTwo-dimensional histogram
histOverlapCount number of values in overlapping bins
invLogitAdjInverse logit is robust to cases that equal 0 or 1
logitAdjA logit() function robust to values that equal 0 or 1
makeFormulaeMake all possible formula
mmodeCalculate the mode of numeric, character, or factor data
nagelR2Nagelkerge's / Craig & Uhler's R2
psumElement-by-element sum
rankMultiA multivariate adaptation of the rank() function
rmsdRoot-mean-square deviation (error)
sampleAcrossPermute values across two vectors or columns in two data...
sampleStratStratified randomization
seStandard error
statisfactorystatisfactory: Statistical and Geometrical Tools
adamlilith/statisfactory documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 10:37 p.m.