#' req_bull
#' Calculate the nutrient requirement of Hanwoo bull.
#' @param bw Body weight, kg
#' @param dg Daily gain, kg
#' @keywords Hanwoo
#' @keywords Nutrient requirement
#' @export
#' @import tibble
#' @format
#' \describe{
#' \item{BW}{Body weight, kg}
#' \item{ADG}{Avergae daily gain, kg}
#' \item{CP}{Crude protein}
#' \item{ME}{Metabolizable energy}
#' \item{NEg}{Net energy for growth}
#' \item{Ca}{Calcium}
#' \item{P}{Phosphorus}
#' \item{vit}{Vitamin}
#' }
#' @examples
#' req_bull(bw = 150, dg = 0.8)
req_bull <- function(bw, dg) {
# Energy
MEm <- 0.1307 * bw^0.75
NEg <- 0.0429 * bw^0.75 * dg
q <- 0.5304 + 0.0748 * dg
kf <- 0.78 * q + 0.006
MEg <- NEg/kf
ME <- MEm + MEg
# Protein
CPm <- 5.56 * bw^0.75 # CP for maintanance
NPm <- CPm * 0.51 # Net prot. for maintanance
RP <- dg * (224.7 - 0.209 * bw) # Retained protein
NP <- NPm + RP # NP requirement
CP <- NP / 0.51
# Minerals
Ca <- (0.0154 * bw + 0.071 * RP + 0.0137 * dg) / 0.5
P <- (0.0280 * bw + 0.039 * RP + 0.0076 * dg) / 0.85
# Vitamins
vitA <- 0.0424 * bw
vitD <- 0.006 * bw
df <- tibble(
sex = "bull",
BW_kg = bw,
ADG_kg = dg,
CP_g = CP,
ME_Mcal = ME,
NEg_Mcal = NEg,
Ca_g = Ca,
P_g = P,
vitA_1000IU = vitA,
vitD_1000IU = vitD
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