Kspacesph: K-function

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Estimates the space-sphere K-function from a point pattern with points in R^2 x S^1, R^2 x S^2, R^3 x S^1, or R^3 x S^2 in a window of arbitry shape in space and on the entire "sphere".


Kspacesph(X, Y, r = NULL, s = NULL, rmax = NULL, smax = NULL,
  nrval = 128, nsval = nrval, intenssX = NULL, intenssY = NULL, parmsX,



Point pattern of class ppp or pp3.


Point pattern of class ppc or pps.


Optional. Vector of values for the argument r at which K(r, s) should be evaluated.


Optional. Vector of values for the argument s at which K(r, s) should be evaluated.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument r.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument s.


Optional. Number of values of r for which K(r, s) will be estimated.


Optional. Number of values of s for which K(r, s) will be estimated.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function in 3d space. Either a NULL, vector, matrix, or function. If NULL the function will return the space-sphere K-function under the assumption of homogeneity in 3d space. If a vector it should contain the intensities at each of the observed points. If a matrix it should contain the product of the intensities of every pair of observed points. If a function it should return a vector containing the intensities at each of the observed points.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function on the unitsphere. Either a NULL, vector, matrix, or function. If NULL the function will return the space-sphere K-function under the assumption of homogeneity on the unitsphere. If a vector it should contain the intensities at each of the observed points. If a matrix it should contain the product of the intensities of every pair of observed points. If a function it should return a vector containing the intensities at each of the observed points.


List of additional arguments passed to intenssX if it is given as a function.


List of additional arguments passed to intenssY if it is given as a function.


If inhomogeneous it is assumed that the intensity of the space-sphere points is the product of the intensity in space and intensity on the sphere.


A list containing r, s, theo, and K3dsph. theo is the theoretical space-sphere K-function under Stationary Poisson. theo and K3dsph are matrices with length(r) rows and length(s) columns.

adchSTATS/spatstatspacesphereadd documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:25 p.m.