Man pages for adibender/ldatools
Utility functions for life-time data analysis

aft_pecCalculate prediction error curve
aft_pec_cvCalculate cross-validated prediction error curves
aft_pec_wrapperWrapper functions that calculates CV prediction error
create_formulasCreate formulas for all possible combinations of variables
fpasteWrapes variable in a function
get_bestExtract formula of the best model
get_best_formExtract specification of model with the lowest brier score
get_coxsnellExtract data needed to create Cox-Snell vs. Cumulative hazard...
get_csvecExtract Cox-Snell residuals from a 'coxph' object
get_intervalsInformation on intervals in which times fall
get_multappearCheck if string appears in character vector multiple times
get_scaledschExtract scaled Schoenfeld residuals.
get_termExtract partial effects for specified model terms
get_termsExtract the partial effects of non-linear model terms
gg_coxsnellOverall model fit diagnostic via Cox-Snell residuals.
gg_scaledschPlot scaled schoenfeld residuals vs. time
integrated_brierCalculate integrated brier score
int_infoCreate start/end times and interval information
ipcwPredict survival probabilities
ipcw2Estimation of censoring probabilities
ipcw.aftregInverse probability censoring weights (IPCW) for...
ipcw.cox2Estimation of censoring probabilities
label_intervalsCreate character vector of interval labels
lifetableImplementation of the actuarial life table method.
pec2Clone of pec::pec function
pipePipe operator
predictSurvProbPredict survival probabilities
predictSurvProb.aftregSurvival probability for eha::aftreg objects
split_infoTransform standard time-to-event data to interval data...
survived_breaksCreate index of breaks survived
vget_multappearCheck multiple strings for multiple appearances
adibender/ldatools documentation built on March 7, 2020, 5:30 a.m.