Man pages for adibender/pammtools
Piece-Wise Exponential Additive Mixed Modeling Tools for Survival Analysis

add_cifAdd cumulative incidence function to data
add_hazardAdd predicted (cumulative) hazard to data set
add_surv_probAdd survival probability estimates
add_tdcAdd time-dependent covariate to a data set
add_termEmbeds the data set with the specified (relative) term... crps object to data.frame
as_pedTransform data to Piece-wise Exponential Data (PED)
as_ped_crCompeting risks trafo
calc_ciCalculate confidence intervals
combine_dfCreate a data frame from all combinations of data frames
compute_cumu_diffCalculate difference in cumulative hazards and respective...
cumulative_coefficientExtract cumulative coefficients (cumulative hazard...
dailyTime-dependent covariates of the 'patient' data set.
dplyr_verbs'dplyr' Verbs for 'ped'-Objects
elra_matrixCreate matrix components for cumulative effects
fcumuA formula special used to handle cumulative effect...
formula_helpersExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
geom_hazard(Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots.
geom_stepribbonStep ribbon plots.
get_cifCalculate CIF for one cause
get_cumu_effCalculate (or plot) cumulative effect for all time-points of...
get_cumu_hazardCalculate cumulative hazard
get_cumulativeExpand time-dependent covariates to functionals
get_cutObtain interval break points
get_event_typesExctract event types
get_hazardCalculate predicted hazard
get_intervalsInformation on intervals in which times fall
get_lagleadConstruct or extract data that represents a lag-lead window
get_ped_formExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
get_plotinfoExtract plot information for all special model terms
get_sim_ciCalculate simulation based confidence intervals
get_surv_probCalculate survival probabilities
get_tdc_formExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
get_tdc_varsExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
get_termExtract partial effects for specified model terms
get_termsExtract the partial effects of non-linear model terms
gg_fixedForrest plot of fixed coefficients
gg_lagleadPlot Lag-Lead windows
gg_partialVisualize effect estimates for specific covariate...
gg_rePlot Normal QQ plots for random effects
gg_slicePlot 1D (smooth) effects
gg_smoothPlot smooth 1d terms of gam objects
gg_tensorPlot tensor product effects
has_tdcChecks if data contains timd-dependent covariates
int_infoCreate start/end times and interval information
modusCalculate the modus
nest_tdcCreate nested data frame from data with time-dependent...
newdataConstruct a data frame suitable for prediction
pammFit a piece-wise exponential additive model
pammtoolspammtools: Piece-wise exponential Additive Mixed Modeling...
patientSurvival data of critically ill ICU patients
ped_infoExtract interval information and median/modus values for...
pipePipe operator
predictSurvProb.pammS3 method for pamm objects for compatibility with package pec
prep_concurrentExtract information on concurrent effects
rpexpDraw random numbers from piece-wise exponential distribution.
sample_infoExtract information of the sample contained in a data set
seq_rangeGenerate a sequence over the range of a vector
simdf_elraSimulated data with cumulative effects
sim_pexpSimulate survival times from the piece-wise exponential...
sim_pexp_crSimulate data for competing risks scenario
specialsFormula specials for defining time-dependent covariates
split_dataFunction to transform data without time-dependent covariates...
split_data_multistateSplit data to obtain recurrent event data in PED format
staphTime until staphylococcus aureaus infection in children, with...
tidiersExtract 1d smooth objects in tidy data format.
tidy_fixedExtract fixed coefficient table from model object
tidy_smoothExtract random effects in tidy data format.
tidy_smooth2dExtract 2d smooth objects in tidy format.
tumorStomach area tumor data
warn_about_new_time_pointsWarn if new t_j are used
adibender/pammtools documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 8:40 a.m.