Man pages for adibender/ped
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

as_pedTransform data to Piece-wise Exponential Data (PED)
combine_cutExtract unique cut points when time-dependent covariates...
combine_dfCreate a data frame from all combinations of data frames
dailyTime-dependent covariates of the 'patient' data set.
dplyr_verbs'dplyr' Verbs for 'ped'-Objects
elra_matrixCreate matrix components for cumulative effects
formula_helpersExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
get_cumulativeExpand time-dependent covariates to functionals
get_cutObtain interval break points
get_intervalsInformation on intervals in which times fall
get_lagleadConstruct or extract data that represents a lag-lead window
get_ped_formExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
get_tdcExtract time-dependent covariates from data set
get_tdc_formExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
get_tdc_varsExtract variables from the left-hand-side of a formula
gg_lagleadPlot Lag-Lead windows
has_tdcExtract time-dependent covariates from data set
int_infoCreate start/end times and interval information
modusCalculate the modus
nest_tdcCreate nested data frame from data with time-dependent...
newdataConstruct a data frame suitable for prediction
patientSurvival data of critically ill ICU patients
ped_infoExtract interval information and median/modus values for...
pipePipe operator
prep_concurrentExtract information on concurrent effects
riskset_infoExtract risk set information for each interval.
sample_infoExtract information of the sample contained in a data set
seq_rangeGenerate a sequence over the range of a vector
sim_df3Simulated data with cumulative effects
specialsFormula specials for defining time-dependent covariates
split_dataFunction to transform data without time-dependent covariates...
tidyr_verbs'tidyr' Verbs for 'ped'-Objects
tumorStomach area tumor data
adibender/ped documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:33 a.m.