knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Download a full set of data for a specific subject from the NITRC XNAT repository

The following tutorial will provide a fully functional example on how to download a full set of images for a specific subject, using the Rxnat package functionality.

Install the Rxnat package

You can install Rxnat from Neuroconductor with: ``` {r, eval = FALSE} source("") neuro_install('Rxnat')

### Setting up system environment variables
To use system environment variables we need to add them to the `.Renviron` file located in the user's home folder. Use `Sys.getenv("HOME")` to get the path (for unix/osx users the location can be easily accessed with ~, eg. `vi ~/.Renviron`).
The `Rxnat` package will be able to automatically read / use a system environment variable provided the following format is used: `XXXX_RXNAT_USER` and `XXXX_RXNAT_PASS`. `XXXX` is provided as an argument when an XNAT connection is initiated. 

As an example `NITRC` is used as argument and the system environment variables names should be `NITRC_RXNAT_USER`, and `NITRC_RXNAT_PASS`.
``` {r, eval = TRUE}
nitrc <- xnat_connect('', xnat_name='NITRC')

Retrieve list of subjects

To retrieve the full list of subjects for the nitrc XNAT connection, we will use the nitrc$subjects() function. ``` {r, eval = TRUE} nitrc_subjects <- nitrc$subjects() head(nitrc_subjects)

### Retrieve list of experiments
To retrieve the full list of experiments for the `nitrc` XNAT connection, we will use the `nitrc$experiments()` function.
``` {r, eval = TRUE}
nitrc_experiments <- nitrc$experiments()

Get list of all experiments associated with a subject

For the purpose of this example, we would like to identify a subject that has more than one experiments associated with his id. In order to figure out a good subject ID example, we will filter and select all subjects with more than 1 experiment associated. ``` {r, eval = TRUE} multi_session = nitrc_experiments %>% group_by(subject) %>% mutate(n_sessions = n()) %>% filter(n_sessions > 1) head(multi_session)

We will select the first subject ID (`UCLA_51209`) to continue our example. 
``` {r, eval = TRUE}
subject_id <- "UCLA_51209"
subject_experiments = nitrc_experiments[ nitrc_experiments$subject %in% subject_id, ]
adigherman/Rxnat documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 2:53 p.m.