Man pages for adjust/api-client-r
R client for the API

adjust.cohortsDelivers data for Adjust Cohorts. Refer to the KPI service...
adjust.deliverablesDelivers data for Adjust App KPIs. Refer to the KPI service...
adjust.disable.verboseDisable the verbose setting. Doing this will stop printing...
adjust.enable.verboseEnable the verbose setting. Doing this will print out...
adjust.eventsDelivers data for Adjust Event KPIs. Refer to the KPI service...
adjust.setupConvenience function for initiating a session with a user...
set.user.tokenSet an Adjust user.token, required for authorization.
user.tokenGet the currently set authorization user.token.
adjust/api-client-r documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:55 a.m.