
In this version, enhancements have been made to allow formatting via knitr chunk options, CSS, and LaTeX.

Major changes

Figure suffix

The parameter suffix allows you to specify a figure suffix. The default value is :. auto_space now affects both the prefix and suffix.

Markdown style formatting

Using style and style_prefix you can set markdown style formatting (bold, italic, bold+italic), which applies either to the entire caption (style_prefix = FALSE) or to the prefix only (style_prefix = TRUE).

Knitr hooks

Added a hook to automatically display figure captions using the chunk name to find the caption. Other chunk options can be set inside the call to captioner().

To use the hook, the name of your chunk must be identical to the name of the caption that you want to display. Also, you must add the option cap = X where X is the name of your captioner() function.

The new parameters before and knitr_op were also added to captioner(). before allows you to determine whether to display the caption before (before = TRUE) or after (before = FALSE) when using automatic caption display. knitr_op takes a named list containing any other chunk options that you want to keep constant across all captioned chunks.

CSS classes

You can specify a CSS class to go with the caption and aid in formatting by using the parameter css_class when creating your captioner() function.

captioner 2.2.3

Minor changes

Updated documentation in preparation for CRAN release

captioner 2.2.2

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug in the code deprecation message

captioner 2.2.1

Minor changes

Maintains the deprecated parameters cite and num for backwards compatibility

captioner 2.2.0

Major changes

Adds a display parameter that allows captions to be defined without displaying them (#14). This replaces the parameters cite and num.

captioner 2.1.0

Major changes

Added capability to display the figure number without any surrounding text using the parameter num (#10).

captioner 2.0

Major changes

Added the capability to do hierarchical numbering (e.g. Figure 1.1.1). (#8, #11)

captioner 1.2

Major changes

captioner 1.1

Captioner's first unofficial release.

adletaw/captioner documentation built on Feb. 21, 2020, 10:14 p.m.