tailfindr is a R package for estimating poly(A)-tail lengths in Oxford Nanopore reads.
tailfindr has been developed at Valen Lab in Computational Biology Unit at the University of Bergen, Norway.
VBZ is a compression format used by Nanopore to compress the data inside a FAST5 file. You must install VBZ plugin for your operating system so that tailfindr can successfully read FAST5 files. Download and install VBZ plugin from here.
tailfindr depends on the HDF5 library for reading Fast5 files. For OS X and Linux, the HDF5 library needs to be installed via one of the (shell) commands specified below:
| System | Command |
| OS X (using Homebrew) | brew install hdf5
| Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu) | sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
| Systems supporting yum and RPMs | sudo yum install hdf5-devel
HDF5 1.8.14 has been pre-compiled for Windows and is available here — thus no manual installation is required.
Currently, tailfindr is not listed on CRAN/Bioconductor, so you need
to install it using devtools
. To install devtools
use the following
command in R/R-studio:
rbokeh has been delisted from CRAN and therefore tailfindr cannot install itself. You need to manually install it yourself using the command below:
devtools::install_url('https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/rbokeh/rbokeh_0.5.1.tar.gz', type = "source", dependencies = TRUE)
Now you can install tailfindr using the command below in R/R-studio:
If you also want to build the vignette while installing tailfindr, then run the command below:
remotes::install_github('adnaniazi/tailfindr', build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"), force = TRUE)
Now you are ready to use tailfindr.
is the main function that you can use to find tail
lengths in both RNA and DNA reads. It saves a CSV file containing all
the tail-length data. Furthermore, it also returns the same data as a
Give below is a minimal use case in which we will run tailfindr on example RNA reads present in the tailfindr package.
df <- find_tails(fast5_dir = system.file('extdata', 'rna', package = 'tailfindr'),
save_dir = '~/Downloads',
csv_filename = 'rna_tails.csv',
num_cores = 2)
In the above example, tailfindr returns a tibble containing the tail
data which is then stored in the variable df
. tailfindr also saves
this dataframe as a csv file (rna_tails.csv
) in the user-specified
, which in this case is set to ~/Downloads
. A logfile is
also saved in the save_dir
. The parameter num_cores
can be increased
depending on the number of physical cores at your disposal.
Additionally, tailfindr allows you to generate plots that show the
tail location in the raw squiggle. You can save these plots as
interactive .html
files by using 'rbokeh'
as the plotting_library
You can zoom in on the tail region in the squiggle and see the exact
location of the tail.
Give below is a minimal use case in which we will run tailfindr on example cDNA reads present in the tailfindr package, and also save the plots:
df <- find_tails(fast5_dir = system.file('extdata', 'cdna', package = 'tailfindr'),
save_dir = '~/Downloads',
csv_filename = 'cdna_tails.csv',
num_cores = 2,
save_plots = TRUE,
plotting_library = 'rbokeh')
However, note that generating plots can slow down the performance of tailfindr. We recommend that you generate these plots only for a small subset of your reads.
tailfindr can plot additional information that it used while deriving
the tail boundaries. Please read our preprint to learn how tailfindr
works. To plot this information, set the plot_debug_traces
df <- find_tails(fast5_dir = system.file('extdata', 'cdna', package = 'tailfindr'),
save_dir = '~/Downloads',
csv_filename = 'cdna_tails.csv',
num_cores = 2,
save_plots = TRUE,
plot_debug_traces = TRUE,
plotting_library = 'rbokeh')
tailfindr needs Fastq
and Events/Move
table to work on. By
default, it searches for them in the Basecall_1D_000
group in the
Analyses section of the FAST5 file. If for whatever reason, you need
tailfindr to read data from another basecall group – lets say
– then you can run tailfindr as below:
df <- find_tails(fast5_dir = system.file('extdata', 'rna_basecall_1D_001', package = 'tailfindr'),
save_dir = '~/Downloads',
csv_filename = 'rna_tails.csv',
num_cores = 2,
basecall_group = 'Basecall_1D_001',
save_plots = TRUE,
plot_debug_traces = TRUE,
plotting_library = 'rbokeh')
In this case, the input FAST5 have two basecall groups:
and Basecall_1D_001
but we configured tailfindr to
use Events/Move
table from the Basecall_1D_001
There are more options available in the find_tails() function. Please see its documentation.
If you have used custom front and end primers while designing you cDNA sequences, you can now specify them in tailfindr. tailfindr will use these sequences instead of the defaults ones to find the orientation of the reads and one of the ends of the poly(A)/(T) tail. Here is how you call tailfindr if you have used custom primers:
df <- find_tails(fast5_dir = system.file('extdata', 'cdna', package = 'tailfindr'),
save_dir = '~/Downloads/tailfindr_output',
csv_filename = 'cdna_tails.csv',
num_cores = 4,
dna_datatype = 'custom-cdna',
Important thing to note here is the use of three additional parameters:
, front_primer
, and end_primer
and end_primer
sequences should always be specified in
the 5’ to 3’ direction.
tailfindr returns tail data in a dataframe and also saves this information in a user-specified CSV file. The columns generated depend on the whether tailfindr was run on RNA or DNA data. Below is a description of columns for both thses scenarios:
| Column Names | Datatype | Description |
| read_id | character | Read ID as given in the Fast5 file |
| tail_start | numeric | Sample index of start site of the tail in raw data |
| tail_end | numeric | Sample index of end site of the tail in raw data |
| samples_per_nt | numeric | Read rate in terms of samples per nucleotide |
| tail_length | numeric | Tail length in nucleotides. It is the difference between tail_end
and tail_start
divided by samples_per_nt
| file_path | character | Absolute path of the Fast5 file |
Here are the columns that you will get from tailfindr if you have run it on DNA data:
| Column Names | Datatype | Description |
| read_id | character | Read ID as given in the Fast5 file |
| read_type | character factor | Whether a read is "polyA"
, "polyT"
, or "invalid"
. Invalid reads are those in which tailfindr wasn’t able to find Nanopore primers with high confidence. |
| tail_is_valid | logical | Whether a poly(A) tail is a full-length read or not. This is important because a poly(A) tail is at the end of the read, and premature termination of reads is prevelant in cDNA. |
| tail_start | numeric | Sample index of start site of the tail in raw data |
| tail_end | numeric | Sample index of end site of the tail in raw data |
| samples_per_nt | numeric | Read rate in terms of samples per nucleotide |
| tail_length | numeric | Tail length in nucleotides. It is the difference between tail_end
and tail_start
divided by samples_per_nt
| file_path | character | Absolute path of the Fast5 file |
table in the FAST5 file to calculate
the read-specific normalizer – samples_per_nt
– which is used to
convert tail length in samples to tail length in nucleotides. If your
data was basecalled with MinKNOW-Live-Basecalling, then the
Events/Move table might not be saved in the FAST5 file. In such a
case, you can rebasecall your reads and adjust the basecall_group
parameter accordingly when calling find_tails()
function as
demonstrated in the use case # 4 above. This is because now the
Events/Move table will now be under Basecall_1D_001
instead of
tailfindr’s default search location Basecall_1D_000
. See the
figure below: The panel on left shows that the MinKNOW live basecalled
read; it has no Event/Move table. The panel on the right shows the
same read after it has been re-basecalled using standalone Guppy. Now
there is Event/Move table under the freshly-added basaecall group
). find_tails()
should be called with
set to "Basecall_1D_001"
as shown in the use case
# 4 above.enabling_trimming
option in the basecalling script. The
script below shows you how we have basecalled our reads using the
flipflop model#!/bin/sh
guppy_basecaller \
--config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_flipflop.cfg \
--input $INPUT \
--save_path $OUTPUT \
--recursive \
--fast5_out \
--hp_correct 1 \
--disable_pings 1 \
--enable_trimming 0
tailfindr has been tested and validated using the following sequencing kits:
SQK-RNA001 and SQK-RNA002 for RNA
tailfindr has been tested and validated using the basecallers:
Albacore v2.3.1 and v2.3.3.
We have written a book chapter on how you can use tailfindr for transcript isofrom-specific poly(A) tail profiling. It has a detailed protocol and analysis pipeline for processing the data through tailfindr .The chapter can be downloaded from here.
If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on github. Please do provide us a few reads (around 10) so that we can reproduce the problem at our end, and figure out a solution for you.
Krause, M., Niazi, A. M., Labun, K., Cleuren, Y. N. T., Müller, F. S., & Valen, E. (2019). tailfindr: alignment-free poly(A) length measurement for Oxford Nanopore RNA and DNA sequencing. Rna, 25(10), 1229–1241. doi: 10.1261/rna.071332.119
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