Man pages for adnaniazi/tailfinder
Poly(A) Tail Length Estimator for Oxford Nanopore RNA and DNA Reads

annotate_tailsAssign transcript IDs to poly(A) tails
explore_basecaller_and_fast5typeExplore a fast5 file to find parameters of the experiment
extract_read_dataExtract the read data from a fast5 file
extract_sequence_between_boundariesExtract sequence between two samples boundaries
find_dna_tail_per_readFind poly(A)/poly(T) tail in a single DNA read
find_dna_tailtypeFinds if a DNA read is poly(A) read or poly(T) read
find_rna_polya_crude_start_endFind the crude start and end of polyA tail in RNA read
find_rna_polya_precise_start_endFinds the precise RNA tail and start
find_rna_polya_tail_per_readFind Poly(A) tail in a single RNA read.
find_sample_index_for_fastq_baseFinds raw data sample index corresponding to a base.
find_tailsEstimates poly(A)/(T) tail lengths in Oxford Nanopore RNA and...
get_custom_fp_epGet custom front and end primers from optional parameters...
get_dna_datatypeParse optional params to get the type of DNA
left_to_right_sliding_window_dnaSliding window from left to right
left_to_right_sliding_window_rnaSliding window from left to right
read_samRead SAM file Author credits: Grischa Toedt & VladaMilch
rectifyConvert negative values in the signal to corresponding...
right_to_left_sliding_window_dnaSliding window from right to left.
right_to_left_sliding_window_rnaSliding window from right to left.
smoothen_rle_intersections_rnaSmoothen RLE intersections for RNA
truncate_spikesTruncate spikes
adnaniazi/tailfinder documentation built on March 23, 2024, 5:41 p.m.