Man pages for adror1/nwslR
Datasets and analysis functions for the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL)

adv_player_statsPlayer statistics for player in each game in the National...
adv_team_statsTeam statistics for each game in the National Women's Soccer...
avg_field_statsAverages statistics for field players throughout their...
avg_gk_statsAverages statistics for goalkeepers throughout their careers...
awardPlayer award history for the National Women's Soccer League...
draftpicksNational Women's Soccer League (NWSL) Draft Picks since 2013
fieldplayer_overall_season_statsPlayer stats for field players in each season
franchiseFranchise information for the National Women's Soccer League...
gameGame IDs for all games 2015-2019
get_adv_player_statsAdvanced player-level statistics for each game
get_adv_team_statsAdvanced team-level statistics by game
get_eventsAdvanced player-level statistics for each game
goalkeeper_season_statsPlayer stats for goalkeepers in each season
playerPlayer information for all players in the National Women's...
player_searchSearches and returns player statistics based on name
stadiumStadium information for games played each season
team_stats_seasonTeam stats for each season
adror1/nwslR documentation built on Oct. 4, 2022, 3:06 a.m.