Man pages for adsteen/
Package to reproduce analysis from Lloyd et al (2013), Applied and Environmental Microbiology

AIC_likReturns liklihood of models relative to the best (based on...
aov_perm_testAOV permutation test
boxplots_by_permCreates boxplots of yield and Also runs statistics on those...
calc_cn_ratioCalculates the copy number ratio
gldGenerates labels based on Tukey HSD post hoc testing
intertidal_yield_figMakes a supplemental figure of FISH yield in intertidal...
lm_statsReturns statistics for linear regressions (e.g. slope,...
make_qPCR_plotsCreates Fig 4, the qPCR plots
make_sed_yield_boxplotsMake boxplots of yield for sediments data, split by various...
make_sw_yield_boxplotsCreate boxplots of yield in seawater, split by various...
merge_seds_and_swMerges the sediments and sw data frames into a single allData...
plot_cell_vs_fishMake a plot of totalcells vs CARDFISH (or other FISH) counts...
plot_depth_trendsplots depth trends
qPCR_516_evaluationMakes plot and calculates summary stats for qPCR using or not...
read_dataReads and formats cell abundance database
reproduce_researchReproduces analysis from Lloyd et al (submitted)
sed_bac_and_arc_v_depthMakes plots and models of sediments bac and arc...
sed_depth_trendsplots depth trends
sed_percent_arc_v_depthMake depth profiles and calculate linear models for sediment...
significance_labellerCreate 'significance code' based on p values
single_sw_yield_boxplotMake a single yield boxplot (seds and sw, despite the name)
sw_depth_profilesPlots depth profiles of various things in seawater
yield_by_coreCreate a boxplot of yield (total cells by *-FISH relative to...
adsteen/ documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:26 a.m.