
##' Returns useful parameters of a linear model
##' @description Creates a linear model of the form $y=mx+b$ and returns useful parameters, including:
##' * slope
##' * standard error of the slope
##' * intercept
##' * standard error of the intercept
##' * p value
##' * number of points
##'   Tries hard to catch errors and return NA in those cases. This is an early version of `lm_stats` in the **enzalyze** package: github.com/adsteen/enzalyze
##' @param d Data frame containing the data in question
##' @param xvar Name of the x variable (as character)
##' @param yvar Name of the y variable (as character)
##' @return A 1-row data frame (no, it makes no sense to do it this way.)
##' @export

corr_stats <- function(d, xvar, yvar) {
  # Function to safely return the slope, intercept, slope.se, int.se, rsq, and pvalue of a linear model
  m <- lm(d[ , yvar] ~ d[ , xvar]) # Should wrap this in a tryCatch too!
  sum_m <- summary(m)
  # Function to safely get the slope
  get_slope <- function(m) {
    slope <- tryCatch(
      slope <- sum_m$coefficients[2,1],
      error=function(cond) return(NA),
      warning=function(cond) return(slope),
      finally = {}
  # Function to safely get the intercept
  get_int <- function(m) {
    int <- tryCatch(
      int <- sum_m$coefficients[1,1],
      error=function(cond) return(NA),
      warning=function(cond) return(int),
      finally = {}
  # Function to safely get the standard error of the intercept
  get_int.se <- function(m) {
    int.se <- tryCatch(
      int.se <- sum_m$coefficients[1,2],
      error=function(cond) return(NA),
      warning=function(cond) return(int.se),
      finally = {}
  # Function to safely get the standard error of the slope
  get_slope.se <- function(m) {
    slope.se <- tryCatch(
      slope.se <- sum_m$coefficients[2,2],
      error=function(cond) return(NA),
      warning=function(cond) return(slope.se),
      finally = {}
  # Function to safely get the p value
  get_p_val <- function(m) {
    pval <- tryCatch(
      pval <- sum_m$coefficients[2,4], #that's the p value for the slope - NOTE I WANT THE P VALUE FOR THE WHOLE MODEL!!!!
      error=function(cond) {
      warning=function(cond) {
  # Function to safely get the r-squared value
  get_rsq <- function(m) {
    rsq <- tryCatch(
      rsq <- sum_m$r.squared,
      error=function(cond) return(NA),
      warning=function(cond) return(rsq),
      finally = {}
  n <- nrow(d[!is.na(d[ , xvar]) & !is.na(d[ , yvar]), ]) # I can't really think of how this would throw errors
  # Return the parameters in a 1-row data frame (the most convenient format for plyr functions)
  data.frame(slope = get_slope(m), 
             int = get_int(m), 
             rsq = get_rsq(m),
adsteen/subspec documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:27 a.m.