Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.



This package contains functions that I use often in projects.




Here is a list of all functions in the package.

#>  [1] "create_dir"            "create_kable"         
#>  [3] "create_kable_html"     "create_kable_md"      
#>  [5] "do_call_with"          "export_ext"           
#>  [7] "export_ext_csv"        "export_ext_png"       
#>  [9] "export_ext_rda"        "export_ext_rdata"     
#> [11] "export_ext_rds"        "export_gg"            
#> [13] "export_path"           "get_path_lazily"      
#> [15] "get_path_safely"       "import_ext"           
#> [17] "import_ext_csv"        "import_ext_rda"       
#> [19] "import_ext_rdata"      "import_ext_rds"       
#> [21] "import_ext_xlsx"       "import_path"          
#> [23] "import_path_cleanly"   "sort_named_list"      
#> [25] "unrowname"             "use_r_profile"        
#> [27] "use_task_schedule"     "warningf"             
#> [29] "word_document_rstudio" "word_document_te"


The original purpose of this package was to provide a convenient interface to the {readr} and {rio} functions for importing and exporting data to various file formats. Because I often found myself using the variable name as the name of the file, I figured it would be nice to implement "lazy" methods for doing so. Under the hood, this packages's functions use "Non-Standared Evaluation" (NSE) (using techniques that may or may not be up to date with the latest {tidyverse} methods of NSE 😄).

Additionally, while implementing these import/export functions, I realized a couple of other functions that I often use in projects could be added. (I don't necessarily recommend using these "other" functions, however, because they are tailored towards my use cases.)


aelhabr/teproj documentation built on June 18, 2020, 3:25 a.m.