Man pages for afsc-gap-products/coldpool
AFSC/RACE Groundfish Assessment Program EBS and NBS temperature products

calcindices_tempCalculate temperature-related indices for the eastern Bering...
cold_pool_indexCold Pool Index and SEBS Mean Temperature (cold_pool_index)
convert_ddm_to_ddConvert decimal degree minutes to decimal degrees
cpa_from_rasterCalculate cold pool area from a raster
cpa_pre2021Historical cold pool area calculations (cpa_pre2021)
data2rasterInterpolate data points to a masked raster
ebs_bottom_temperatureRasters of summer bottom temperature in the eastern Bering...
ebs_proj_crsCRS for eastern Bering Sea cold pool index
ebs_surface_temperatureRasters of summer sea surface temperature in the eastern...
estimate_anisotropyEstimate 2D variogram anisotropy parameters for kriging using...
estimate_z_expansionEstimate vertical expansion factor for 3D kriging
get_connectedCreate a database connection using RODBC
get_dataGet gear temperature data from racebase and write to /data/
interpolate_variableInterpolate variable, mask to extent, write raters to file.
interpolation_wrapperWrapper function around interpolate_variable()
kriging_cvCompare interpolation methods using cross-validation
legend_discrete_cbarDiscrete continuous bar
loocv_gear_tempCompare bottom temperature interpolation methods using...
make_raster_fileSave raster to file
make_raster_stackCombine multiple raster files into a SpatRaster object with...
nbs_ebs_bottom_temperatureRasters of summer bottom temperature in the eastern and...
nbs_ebs_surface_temperatureRasters of summer bottom temperature in the eastern and...
nbs_mean_temperatureNorthern Bering Sea Mean Temperature (nbs_mean_temperature)
parseregionParse region string or simple feature
plot_loocv_rmseFunction to make violin plots of MSE
scale_fill_fermenter_customCustom fermenter fill scale for ggplot2
sql_to_rqryRetrieve SQL query string from .sql files
theme_multi_mapMulti-panel map theme
theme_multi_map_blue_stripMulti-panel map theme with blue strip
theme_tm_no_legendTech memo figure without legend
vgm_fnVariogram function
afsc-gap-products/coldpool documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 11:47 a.m.