knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Package Information

Lib5af is a package meant to vizualize election results. Using a Shiny application, it is possible to manipulate the data on the elections in an user friendly way. A barplot is used to present data by political party and community. In addition to a vizualization aid, functions provided in the package provide further information such as raw data on each party, simple mean and the dimensions (columns and rows) of the data.


An example on some of the functions provided in this package, and how to use them, are the following:

calc_mean_mproc = function(){
                          mean_mproc <- mean(elect$`M proc`)

The calc_mean_mproc() function provides the mean of the M party.

get_dim = function(){
                          dim_datafr <- dim(elect)

The get_dim() function provides the dimensions of the data frame.

get_Data = function(){

The get_Data() function returns the used data frame.

afuergut/lib5af documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:40 a.m.