Man pages for agathasr/rsmd
Fits the weibull, gamma, lognormal or loglogistic model for repairable system with masked data.

cpo_fcCPO for rsmd
data_to_rsmdData format for rsmd 'data_to_rsmd' generates data format...
dot-gettimeGetTime This function returns the current amount of spent...
EMalgEM algorithm for rsmd
generate_dataData generation of Repairable System with Masked Data (rsmd)
initialsInitial values for parameters
likFunction lik calculates log likelihood contribution of the...
lik.parThis function calculates the mean of likelihood function...
liksyst_weibullFunction liksyst calculates log likelihood contribution of a...
measures_loglikSelection criteria based on maximized log-likelihood function...
MWGMetropolis within Gibbs algorithm for RSMD
post.weibullFunction posteriori calculates the kernel of posterior...
rdeltaLatent variabbles generation
agathasr/rsmd documentation built on May 4, 2020, 4:09 p.m.