Man pages for agoldst/dfrtopics
Tools for exploring topic models of text

alignment_frameOrganize alignment results for inspection
align_topicsAlign topics across models
browser_alignment_tableGenerate an HTML table from a topic clustering
calc_imiIMI calculation routine
cite_articlesGenerate simple citation strings from metadata
compatible_instancesGenerate a new InstanceList compatible with an old one
dfr_browserCreate and launch a model browser
dfr_filename_idConvert wordcount filenames to JSTOR document id's
dfr_id_urlConvert a DfR ID into a JSTOR URL
dfrtopicsExplore and analyze topic models
doc_idsRetrieve document IDs
docs_top_topicsTop-ranked topics for documents
doc_topicsThe document-topic matrix
dt_smooth_normalizeNormalizing the document-topic matrix
entropyEntropy of a vector
export_browser_dataOutput data files for dfr-browser
export_browser_doc_topicsExport document-topic file for dfr-browser
export_browser_infoExport browser information/configuration for dfr-browser
export_browser_metadataExport metadata file for dfr-browser
export_browser_topic_scaledExport scaled topic coordinates for dfr-browser
export_browser_topic_wordsExport topic-word file for dfr-browser
foreign_modelGlue for results from other topic-modeling packages
gather_matrixTransform a matrix into a long ("tidy") data frame
get_instanceRetrieve an instance from the instance list by id
hyperparametersRetrieve estimated model hyperparameters
id_dfr_filenameConvert JSTOR document id's to 'wordcounts*.CSV' filenames
imi_checkPosterior predictive checking for individual words
imi_simulateSimulated IMI values
imi_topicInstantaneous mutual information of words and documents in a...
inferencerGet a topic inferencer object
infer_topicsInfer document topics
instancesAccess the InstanceList stored by a model
instances_idsExtract document id's from an InstanceList
instances_lengthsRetrieve instance lengths
instances_MatrixExtract term-document matrix from instances
instances_vocabularyRetrieve the vocabulary from the instances
instance_textTransform an instance back into text
instance_vectorConvert a MALLET Instance to an integer vector
JS_divergenceDistance measures for topics
load_doc_topicsLoad model elements into a model object
load_from_mallet_stateLoad model from MALLET state output
load_mallet_modelRead in model outputs from files
load_mallet_model_directoryLoad a model with conventional filenames from a directory
load_mallet_model_legacyLoad a model with files from dfrtopics 0.1
load_sampling_stateLoad Gibbs sampling state into model object
make_instancesCreate MALLET instances from a document frame
mallet-loggingMALLET logging options
mallet_modelThe model object
mallet_model_inferredAn inferred topic model of new documents
merge.mallet_modelCombine a topic model with inferred document topics
metadataRetrieve metadata
mi_checkPosterior predictive checking for topics
mi_simulateSimulated MI values
mi_topicMutual information of words and documents in a topic
model_dfr_documentsMake a topic model of DfR documents
model_distancesCalculate topic dissimilarity across models
modeling_parametersAccess stored modeling parameters
n_docsAccess the number of documents modeled
normalize_colsNormalize columns to sum to one
normalize_rowsNormalize rows to sum to one
n_topicsAccess the number of topics in the model
ParallelTopicModelAccess MALLET's model object
pipePipe operator
plot_imi_checkVisualize IMI scores for the top words in topics
plot_mi_checkVisualize a topic's MI score in comparison to simulated...
plot_seriesPlot time series of yearly topic proportions as bars
plot_topic_scaledPlot topics on the plane
plot_top_wordsPlot a single topic's most probable words
plot_word_topic_seriesPlot word frequencies within topics over time
pubdate_DateConvert JSTOR pubdate strings to Date objects
read_dfr_citationsRead a single 'citations.CSV' or 'citations.tsv' file.
read_dfr_metadataMake a dataframe from 'citations.CSV' or 'citations.tsv'...
read_diagnosticsRead MALLET model-diagnostic results.
read_inferencerRetrieve an inferencer object from a file
read_instancesRead a mallet 'InstanceList' object from a file
read_matrix_csvRead in a numeric matrix
read_sampling_stateRead in a Gibbs sampling state
read_wordcountsConvert DfR wordcount files to a long-format data frame
rescale_colsRescale the columns of a matrix
rescale_rowsRescale the rows of a matrix
rmultinom_sparseDraw from multinomial distributions
row_distsMeasure matrix row distances
row_entropiesEntropy of sparse-matrix rows
RTopicModelAccess MALLET's glue model object
simplify_stateReduce a MALLET sampling state on disk to a simplified form
sum_row_groupsSum ragged groups of matrix rows or columns
tdm_topicThe term-document matrix for a topic
tidy_checkTidy results of posterior checks
top_docsTop-ranked documents in topics
topic_divergencesTopic distance functions
topic_docs_wordThe topic-document matrix for a specific word
topic_labelsQuick shorthands for topics
topic_reportOverview visualization of multiple topics
topic_scaled_2dScaled topic coordinates in 2D space
topic_seriesTopic time series
topic_wordsThe topic-words matrix
top_n_rowUtility functions for finding top-ranking row/column elements
top_wordsTopic key words
train_modelTrain a topic model
tw_smooth_normalizeScoring methods for words in topics
vocabularyRetrieve model corpus vocabulary
widthsAligned-topic cluster widths
wordcounts_doc_lengthsCalculate document lengths
wordcounts_DocumentTermMatrixConvert word counts data frame to a DocumentTermMatrix
wordcounts_instancesCreate MALLET instances from a word-counts data frame
wordcounts_MatrixConvert a word-counts data frame into document-term matrix
wordcounts_remove_rareRemove infrequent words
wordcounts_remove_stopwordsRemove stopwords from a wordcounts data frame
wordcounts_stm_inputsConvert word counts data frame to Structural Topic Model...
wordcounts_textsConvert long-format word-counts into documents
wordcounts_word_totalsCalculate total corpus-wide word counts
word_idsGet numeric word indices
word_series_matrixAggregate (word/topic) counts by time period
words_top_topicsTop-ranked topics for documents
write_diagnosticsSave MALLET's topic model diagnostics as XML
write_inferencerSave an inferencer object to a file
write_instancesSave a mallet InstanceList object to a file
write_mallet_modelA convenience function for saving all the model outputs at...
write_mallet_stateSave the Gibbs sampling state to a file
write_matrix_csvWrite out a numeric matrix to a text file
agoldst/dfrtopics documentation built on July 15, 2022, 4:13 p.m.