litdata: Software for Students in "Literary Data: Some Approaches"

Description Details


This R package includes software and document templates we'll all use in the course.


To install it, first use RStudio's Install Packages... command in the Tools menu to install the package devtools. Then enter the following in the console:


This will also attempt to install other R packages I have listed as "dependencies," so you may see several rounds of downloading and installing happen.

If I update the code, I'll ask you to update your copy of this package. To do this, simply enter devtools::install_github("agoldst/litdata") again.

Also included are templates for writing the homework responses in our "literate programming" idiom, R markdown. In RStudio, choose File > New File... > R Markdown... and click From Template. You should see a choice for each homework. Soon I will also provide some generic templates when you work on longer projects.

In order to create PDF files from your R markdown source, you will also need to install TeX. Mac users can install MacTeX from; Windows users can install MikTeX ( or TeX Live ( A final possibility (on any operating system) is to use the Vagrant virtual machine imagine containing all required software for the course at

agoldst/litdata documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:34 a.m.