Man pages for ahb108/sparch
Assorted methods to supplement core spatial packages in R

ah2spConvert an alphahull to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
arrangeSymbolsRearrange the location of those symbols that overalap with...
basicboxProduce a basic square or rectangular mapping polygon
colRibbonAdd a custom colour ramp to a plot
flylinesProduce flyout lines for where mapped pies and other charts...
gEdgePointsAdjust a polygonal study area to incorporate points near...
mapElementsAddition of both a north arrow and scalebar to map
ngrResolutionChange the resolution of a British National Grid Reference.
ngrResolveResolve a Britsh or Irish National Grid Reference.
ngrZeroStripRemove trailing zeroes in National Grid Reference
northArrowProduce a simple north arrow
pieSymbolsProduce pie charts at specified locations on a map
reScaleRescale a numeric vector to a specified minimum and maximum
ribbonplotHandle the positioning and labelling of a (spatstat) colour...
scaleBarProduce a very simple map scale-bar
spEllipseProduce an circle or ellipse as a SpatialPolygons object
spnetBuildBuild a geographical network from a network edge-list.
voronoiSimple and weighted Voronoi tesselations
xyTransformConvert a coordinate pair to a different coordinate system
ahb108/sparch documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 1:21 a.m.