
Documentation for working on the DSAIDE/DSAIRM packages

The DSAIDE and DSAIRM packages are very similar in structure, so the text below applies to both. I mostly write DSAIDE, sometimes DSAIRM. Just substitute with whichever package you work on.

Package structure/use

Package organization

Main functions

App materials

Other folders

Adding new apps/features

If you plan to build/contribute new apps or new features to the package, I would be delighted to include them! The best idea is to first contact me (through Github or email) and tell me that you would like to contribute. We can then discuss a bit before you embark on the effort.

To build a new app, you need to create the following:

If you contribute/send those files, I will - after testing - include them into the package. You'll of course receive full credit as package contributor.

Style Guide

Suggestions for Consistency in Formatting

Information for package development

To work on package through RStudio:

Dependency packages

All libraries/packages needed to allow the package to run should be loaded via the DESCRIPTION file and not in separate R files. See that file for dependencies.

Additional packages are needed for development (but not use) of the package. Those are listed in the suggests section of the DESCRIPTION file.

To update R documentation and vignette

To build the package

To deploy package to shinyappsio

to deploy, follow these steps (also listed in the main app.R file): 1. go into the folder where this file (app.R) resides 2. install the package through CRAN or github if we want to use the github version devtools::install_github('ahgroup/DSAIDE') 3. uncomment this line of code library('DSAIDE') 4. with the above 'library' statement active, deploy with: run rsconnect::deployApp(account = 'epibiouga') as suitable, change the account to another one, e.g. handelgroup tokens need to be set up for the connection to work 5. comment out the library command again

To-do for CRAN release


ahgroup/DSAIRM documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:25 a.m.