Man pages for aijordan/murphydiagram2
Murphy Diagrams for Forecast Comparisons a Murphy diagram to a Data Frame
as.murphydiagCoerce to a Murphy diagram
c.murphydiagCombining Murphy diagram objects
elementaryscoresElementary score functions
elementaryscores_funElementary score function constructors
knots.murphydiagGetting the 'knots' from a "murphydiag" object
meanscoresMean score functions
meanscores_funMean score function constructors
m_filterData frame approximations of Murphy diagrams
murphydiagMurphy diagram object
murphydiag_diffMurphy diagram difference object
plot.dominancePlot dominance objects
plot.murphydiagPlotting Murphy diagram objects
plot.murphydiag_diffPlotting Murphy diagram difference objects
range.murphydiagRange of values in Murphy diagrams
sub-.dominanceSubsetting dominance objects
sub-.murphydiagSubsetting Murphy diagram objects
aijordan/murphydiagram2 documentation built on Jan. 1, 2020, 3:08 p.m.