glue::glue('<script type="application/ld+json">
      {glue::glue_collapse(readLines("inst/schemaorg.json"), sep = "\n")}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "",
  fig.path = "inst/extdata/"

ammistability: Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model Stability Parameters logo

Version : r getNamespaceVersion("ammistability"); Copyright (C) 2017-r format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"): ICAR-DGR; License: GPL-2|GPL-3
Ajay, B. C.^1^, Aravind, J.^2^ and Abdul Fiyaz, R^3^
  1. RRS, ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research, Anantapur.
  2. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi.
  3. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad.

minimal R version License: GPL v3 CRAN_Status_Badge Dependencies rstudio mirror downloads

dver <- ifelse(test = gsub("(.\\.)(\\d+)(\\..)", "", getNamespaceVersion("ammistability")) != "",
               yes = getNamespaceVersion("ammistability"),
               no = gsub("Version:\\s*", "", readLines(paste0("", "ajaygpb/ammistability", "/master/DESCRIPTION"))[grep("Version:", readLines(paste0("", "ajaygpb/ammistability", "/master/DESCRIPTION")))]))

cat(paste("[![develVersion](", dver, "-orange.svg)](", sep = ""))

Github Code Size R-CMD-check Project Status: Inactive lifecycle Last-changedate Zenodo DOI Pub DOI Website - pkgdown .


r gsub("\\n", " ", packageDescription("ammistability", fields = "Description"))


The package can be installed from CRAN as follows:

# Install from CRAN
install.packages('ammistability', dependencies=TRUE)

The development version can be installed from github as follows:

# Install development version from Github

Detailed tutorial

For a detailed tutorial (vignette) on how to used this package type:

browseVignettes(package = 'ammistability')

The vignette for the latest version is also available online.

What's new

To know whats new in this version type:



CRAN page

Github page

Documentation website

Zenodo DOI

CRAN checks

pkgname <- "ammistability"

osdf <-
  rbind(data.frame(OS = "Linux", 
                   Flavour = c("r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang",
        # data.frame(OS = "Solaris", 
        #            Flavour = c("r-patched-solaris-x86")),
        data.frame(OS = "Windows", 
                   Flavour = c("r-devel-windows-x86_64", 
        data.frame(OS = "macOS", 
                   Flavour = c("r-release-macos-x86_64", 
                               # "r-release-macos-arm64",
                               # "r-oldrel-macos-arm64",

chkurl <- paste("",
                pkgname, ".html", sep = "")

if (url.exists(chkurl)) {
  chklink <- paste("(", chkurl,  ")", sep = "")
} else {
  chklink <- "("

osdf$`CRAN check` <- paste("[![CRAN check - ", osdf$Flavour, "]",
                           osdf$Flavour, "/", pkgname, ".svg)]",
                           sep = "")
cat("[![Linux](](", "\n")

knitr::kable(osdf[osdf$OS == "Linux", c(2, 3)], format = "simple", 
             col.names = c("", ""), 
             row.names = FALSE)

cat("[![Windows](](", "\n")

knitr::kable(osdf[osdf$OS == "Windows", c(2, 3)], format = "simple", 
             col.names = c("", ""),
             row.names = FALSE)

cat("[![MacOS](](", "\n")

knitr::kable(osdf[osdf$OS == "macOS", c(2, 3)], format = "simple", 
             col.names = c("", ""),
             row.names = FALSE)

library(kableExtra, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

kosdf <- kbl(osdf[, c("Flavour", "CRAN check")], row.names = FALSE, 
             format = "simple")

kosdf2 <- kable_styling(kosdf, bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"),
              full_width = F, position = "left")

# os_index <- c(6, 1, 3, 2)
os_index <- c(6, 3, 2)

names(os_index) <- c(paste("[![Linux](]",
                           chklink, sep = ""),
                     # paste("[![Solaris](]",
                     #       chklink, sep = ""),
                           chklink, sep = ""),
                           chklink, sep = ""))

pack_rows(kosdf2, index = os_index)

Citing ammistability

To cite the methods in the package use:

# detach("package:ammistability", unload=TRUE)
cit <- citation("ammistability")
# yr <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")
# cit[1]$year <- yr
# oc <- class(cit)
# cit <- unclass(cit)
# attr(cit[[1]],"textVersion") <- gsub("\\(\\)",
#                                      paste("\\(", yr, "\\)", sep = ""),
#                                      attr(cit[[1]],"textVersion"))
# class(cit) <- oc

ajaygpb/ammistability documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 8:09 a.m.