Man pages for ajfabry/Statspeare
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

avg_meanCalculate the weighted mean value of a vector.
centralityCalculate the centralities of characters in a play.
correlationCalculate the correlation between two vectors.
cosine_similarityCalculate the cosine similarity between two vectors.
covarianceCalculate the covariance of two vectors.
create_graphCreate a network graph of characters in a play.
dot_productCalculate the dot product of two vectors.
entropyCalculate the entropy of a vector.
least_divergentCalculate the least divergent elements from a word.
most_correlatedCalculate the words most correlated with an input word.
most_similarCalculate the words most similar to an input word.
ppmiCalculate positive pointwise mutual information of an array.
relative_entropyCalculate the relative entropy of two vectors.
show_graphDisplay the network graph of characters in a play.
st_deviationCalculate the standard deviation of all elements in a vector.
top_relationsReturns the words most associated with a keyword.
varianceCalculate the variance of a vector.
zscoreCalculate the z-score of all elements in a vector.
ajfabry/Statspeare documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 7:44 a.m.