Description Usage Format Source
A dataset containing the community abundace data for individuals, as well as their body mass.
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A data frame with 15997 rows and 19 columns:
specimen ID
collection ID
collection site
collection tree ID
collection tray ID
collection date
taxonomic class
taxonomic class
taxonomic class
unique species ID
taxonomic genus
species epithet
trophic level: 'D' = detritivore, 'H' = herbivore, 'P' = predator, 'T' = transient, 'U' = unknown
geographic origin
life stage
length in mm
abundance in the sample
estimated individual biomass in mg
Gruner, D. S. 2007. Geological age, ecosystem development, and local resource constraints on arthropod community structure in the Hawaiian Islands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 90: 551–570.
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