Man pages for akeyel/rf1
Random Forest Workflow 1 for DFMIP

assign.breaksAssign Breaks
calculate.MLE.v2Calculate MLE for a specified subset of the data using R
convert.env.dataConvert environmental data to the seasonal format used by the...
do.rfA random forest based disease forecasting approach
get.daysFunction to get number of days in a year (copied from...
get.DOYGet Day of Year, given year, month, and day
human.dataHuman Data
human.resultsHuman Results
is.leapFunction to identify is a leap year or not
MLE_IRCalculate Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Infection Rate using...
mosq.dataMosquito Data
mosquito.resultsMosquito Results
rf1Run the rf1 model
rf1.outputsRandom Forest 1 Model Outputs
splitterSplit strings using strsplit in a way that can easily be used...
weather.dataWeather Data
akeyel/rf1 documentation built on Dec. 28, 2020, 4:48 a.m.