The spotifyremoji package is a wrapper package for the Spotify API.

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This is an R wrapper for the Spotify API.


Three main functions in spotifyremoji:


All of our functions require an authentication token. For more information on how to set up an authentication token please see Spotify Docs.

We have two easier options for users of this package to be able to provide the authentication tokens (the harder option is to read the authorization guide and set it up).

Option 1:

  1. Login to Spotify for Developers and Create an Client ID.
  2. Click on Web Console, then pick an API call to explore. For instance click Personalization and then click on the Get User's Top Artists and Tracks end-point. Or can just click:
  3. Scroll down and click GET TOKEN under the OAuth Token Heading. Copy this string to your clipboard and use it with the above functions.

Option 2:

  1. Login to Spotify for Developers and Create an Client ID.
  2. Link to Jordan Roth's Repo:
  3. Instructions for how to generate a local app.

Option 3:

Develop your own Web App for Authorization following the Spotify Guides linked above.

Installation and examples:

To install the package:




Important: In order for the tests to run successfully, one must open .Renviron and update the SPOTIFY_TOKEN to an active working token. This can be referenced with the command Sys.getenv("SPOTIFY_TOKEN"). Once the .Renviron file has been updated a new Rstudio session must be started for it to update appropriately.

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MIT License


This is an open source project. Therefore, feedback, suggestions, and contributions are very welcome. For feedback and suggestions, please open an issue in this repo. If you are willing to contribute this package, please refer to Contributing guidelines for details.

akleefel/spotifyremoji documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:22 a.m.